Chapter 8

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Giyu pov
"S-sir " my receptionist say through the speaker "go on" I say "a-a g-guy name kyojuro rengoku want to see y-you" she said

Rengoku is a guy that talks to me a lot he have cheery vibe always loud like my cousin "bring him" with that I only waited a few minutes "cynithia out" I said she already know the deal when I want to talk

She walked out the door "what about her" she whined  pointing to my secretary "out." I said she then close the door

But it quickly open with a firey hair guy "sup tomioka long time no see glad your buisness still running" he said "yea"I muttered

"So who the new secretary everyone been talking about I'll like to see her"he ask she so short not even he can see her I just pointed to my side

Shinobu pov
I see tomioka pointing to my side oh no rengoku he know my last name with his mouth i can get expose i see his foot steps coming closer

"Hold on you look so familiar " I just smile did not respond "yup no mistaken it by that smile your shinobu ko-"I covered his mouth quickly

You couldn't even see me when I got up it like I teleported "can I speak with you for a second rengoku?" I ask walking towards the door

Giyu pov
Seem like she know everyone I know I watch them walk out the door after he was about to say something else why did she cover his mouth so quickly is she hiding something?

She do appear weird in some ways her fighting skills the smile that never vanish and her house tanjiro told me about meeting her and her house as big as mines

I should've fend it weird in her introduction she wouldn't even state he personal details

"Murata find out anything about shinobu kichi make sure she anit no danger" I said thru my mic if she is any danger I have no chance but to kill her

Rengoku can be a problem also or I'm just overthinking but I can't take a risk "right giyu it an event tonight for ceo you must bring a lady so inform that to that girl with the long hair you sure have a type" rengoku say walking in where is she oh right

She so short I can't barley see her she seem so innocent I see her walking to her seat "yea I like girls with long hair" I respond my gaze set upon her that

smile is so........fake so why show it"you sure go for the hair and not the attitude do you Mr tomioka"she ask snapping me out my trance

"I guess"I replied I think she referring to cynithia her attitude is bratty "thought so"she replied"why is this atmosphere so gloomy?"rengoku blurted

His answer was silence"well don't forget about the event tonight giyu" then he left cynithia came right in and iguro he look more alive then usually

"What was that about"iguro ask I told him and he nodded his head"ms.kichi Mitsuri told me to tell you that kisenami is with her and she said call her" iguro said he had a tint of pink on his cheeks

"Will do I see you was with her a few minutes ago"she respond iguro just avoided the question in silence

1hour later "you may leave girl he has an event tonight" cynithia said more like ordered kichi didn't move

Instead she hummed a tune she don't got no work to do she just looking at cynithia with a smile but the expression look like a bored face

"Are you death??I said leave"she yelled ms kichi didn't flinch at all she just stayed "ms.kichi may I ask why aren't you're leaving do you need a ride or anything?" Iguro ask

"no I just thought my name was shinobu kichi not 'girl' I thought she was referring to herself" she replied how can she make that sound

Polite?"oh ms.kichi giyu has an event tonight so you can leave early and drive safe please" iguro said he not quite a talker either I'm surprised he even talking (Mitsuri told him to be nice to her bestfriend lmfoaoaao we all know he a simp for herrr)

Kichi got up and left "oh I hate that girl why won't you just replace her" cynithia groan I'll rather

replace you first "she always act like that and she creepy as fuck li-""can you step out cynithia I need to talk with giyu" iguro said

"No you don't contr-""out!" I ordered iguro had an I can't stand this girl look on his face as he sighed and close the door behind her

He then turn and look at me "you is gonna have to bring a other then cynithia remember when she blew

Partnership with Muzan we could've been invaded his shit and she seem to always dress seducly like she trying to seduce someone and her attitude and bratty ways is another you needa find somebody else I got my beautiful somebody"iguro finish

He the one to talk the girl show revealing skin also "but she don't wear it to seduce she wear it because it her style cynithia started wearing this clothes 4 years ago which means she been seducing you giyu"iguro said

He read my mind how so "I don't know who to take then"I said plainly "take ms kichi she presentable " he replied has he been planing this and her hair was too short and she shirt also I might lose her

"You acting as y'all dating in real life just act"he says I guess I'll see what she says this is a good opportunity for me to see who she really are or not

Shinobu pov
I'm in my room working training my mind my mental health then my phone gone ring I just let it ring but it wouldn't stop

I grab it it was an unknown number what if it someone who spying on my house I really don't know "what do you want"I said through the phone even though my voice so calm you can hear

The threat in my tone "it me" the voice responded how in the hell my boss got my personal number "I tried to call your work number but didn't work anyway get dress you going to the event with me "he then hung up before I can respond

Shinobu keep calm do this for kanae be nice for kanae I'm trying to find it

I got dress I put on my pants and dress shirt with my butterfly haroi

basically her fit from ds because I love that fit it so cuteee I'm trying my best I don't know because this book all over the place I'm might quit because like wdf am I'm writing😭😭I only write because I'm bored)

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