Chapter 16

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2 months later(ik yall tired of me and timeskipping lmao I'm trying to get this book over with quick as possible)

Giyu pov
Just me and kocho in my office cynithia in hers I think she quite like it was a comfortable silence in the room

All you can hear was keyboard typing I got up and stand by the window looking at the scenery "tomioka San what are you doing?........not responding how rude"

And there it goes she poking me "stop." I said she continued I grab her wrist pin her against the

window she so short I had to look down "I.said.stop."I said it sternly

"Get a room" the one and only flashy himself tegen "we weren't doing anything" I said letting go of her

wrist "I can give you some tips inplus she'll be a flashy wife better get her I know a few who got eyes on her"he wink

"I like girls with long hair""and I like men with short hair hmmp" she butted in sassily is this a new side of her or what

"Ah polar opposite always attract let see in a few month or year oh I came to say I'm clocking out early " then he left without me responding

Shinobu pov
When he had me like that position with me looking up at him got to admit he was kind of hot I was zone out until I realize mr uzui was here

He like girls with long hair like I care what he like when he turn to me of course I'm going to tease him the years I know him kind of got

me  to soften up to him even though he a emo idiot and all uzui walk out "I'm clocking out early Al-""no you staying"he says interrupting my sentence

"No fair tomioka the company almost empty inplus you got your trusty personal assistant to stay here with you"I smiled I want to leave

"She left just after tegen left" "oh my tomioka San I just realize this the longest conversation you ever had" "shut it" "is you trying to flirt with me since everyone is gone perhaps""you not my type"he turns to his desk"you not mines either"I sighed

"What you finna do since everyone is gone is hack into cynithia computer im suspecting her if not her then kakushi if not them then you" he says

"Can't be me you still suspect me huh keep doing that you going to find yourself in a corner" I gave my same smile

I went to my computer "what are you doing I said HER computer""and I can do it from MY computer inplus you don't want me to leave you right" I tease he

Rolled his eyes very much sassy aren't he I hack inside a browser I got through the firewall all I got to do now is to get inside the server who ever set this

Up is good too good perhaps this actually gave me a. Challenge "just as I thought the 1 million dollars that be coming from you account is all on cynithia you do the rest with whoever you got to find my last name

This is all the info I'm willing to say"I then log out the computer tomioka look like he in a trance of thoughts

So I went to him and start poking him poke poke poke poke "shinobu what are you doing?"he finally says

"Poking people bring you closer to each other" and k continue to poke him

(Y'all I should make a moment for them like it about time for them to fall inlove right?")

"Tomioka you drove me here so drop me off oh right you never been to my place lol" i waited for him to get up and drive I'm surprise

He know how to drive instead of goto picking him up we finnaly outside and I got inside his car he was driving I had a little errands to do but now he driving toward my place but I can use a drink

And we are going to pass the bar either way "let stop by the bar" I smiled I'm not a drinker type but o will drink if you know you know

He didn't respond it seem he going to pass by it "tomioka San let go to the BAR or I will annoy you"I tease poking his side

"Think you arent already annoying me" I hear him mutter he hit a u turn and took me to the bar

"Not more the. 2 drinks"he says and got out with me following behind him when we got inside girls is already swarming around tomioka

"Let go of me or you'll regret it"he says he slapped their wrists aways I see he heading to the bathroom with a girl following him along

Can't help it huh I snapped back into reality and start getting a drink "the regular please" I smiled

1 hour later

Giyu pov
I'm heading from the pool table and it look like shinobu had too many drinks I only had two drinks

"Hey misses you such a fine lady today" I see a man touching her shoulder before i can blink he already in the floor her knee is against his neck

"Don't touch me bitch"she have such a potty mouth when drunk before she can cause anymore trouble I scoop her up I can still drive

Walk in the parking lot towards the car "ara~""giyuuuuuu put me down " weird hearing her say my first name but it feel right I don't know

I sit her in the passenger seat and I go to the driver side I stay there for awhile looking at kocho where do she live again"whyyy you starin~" she slurs

I just stare out the window for awhile I'm a little tipsy myself my eyelids are heavy but I can bare it

I felt something or I should say someone on my lap and it the one and only kocho "you....smell so goodddd~" she still smiling

I really don't feel like moving her "shinobu move" I say she still not listen instead she start roaming her hands on my chest

Oh i don't want to lose control "ko-" I stop when lips connected to mines it didn't took me a second to return the sensation

We was out of breath but I went back in and start kissing her neck slowly and softly until I hear her soft moan realizing I found her sweet spot I start sucking on it more

She start grinding her body against mines my hands start rubbing her lower back up and down while I'm at it she then start attacking my neck then my collar bone then lower before I can lose control

I stopped this defiantly not right "hmm why you stop no fair"she whine never in the years I thought she will ever whine

I sat her back to the passenger seat I will just call tanjiro to see where she lives I call him not to be surprise she live right down the street from me

Her house is almost a big as my house she fell asleep during the ride so I carry her inside wonder how I got in well she had a spare key under the rug so I open the door and began to take her upstairs

I place her in her bed and put covers over her I didn't want to invade her privacy of changing her so I went back downstairs

As I'm walking out I see a picture of a girl that look like shinobu but with long hair she was quite beautiful why did she cut it?

Ok like I said they is going to be hell of ooc because I'm trying to end this book as soon as possible because school coming in and shi🤣🙄remember vote and please tell me if there any spelling errors

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