Chapter 26

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Shinobu pov
I woke up my room is clean was all this a dream of course it wasn't shinobu you just in denial my brain

says and I felt I little sick......, there goes the morning sickness I got up and went to the bathroom after I got done puking

I look in the mirror  and see my puffy red eyes messy hair I look like a total reck last night was draining I hope aoi doesn't tell anyone I was really hurt at the

moment most people might say I overreacted but I don't think so. I got into shower and start putting soap everywhere when I got close to my stomach

I began rubbing my belly 'so I will be a mother I remember all those time when I said I will not be a mother  look at me now something I don't know will be the death of me' I thought

I hop out of the shower brush my teeth I had a feeling to check my phone and I just found out tanjiro and kanao wedding is in two more month

I'm so happy for her hope I find someone no I shouldn't be focus on love matter of fact I need to practice  on affection for my unborn child

This thing inside of me will be the death of me it will literally worry me to death it might be the key to my heart mind and smile I hope it will be my happiness

RING RING* I answer my phone it was Mitsuri "bestie come to ban ban first birthday party please it

the least you can do after ignoring me for a few""you know I will never miss his birthday but I will drop his present off I kind of feel sick I don't want the birthday boy sick"i reply and got dress "ok that will make me happy atleast hope you feel better" Mitsuri says in her cheerful voice

Giyu pov

I'm currently at ban ban birthday Obanai beg me to go to his son birthday and I was about to decline then I realize it is his first birthday

Why will I decline my best friend child party I was sitting on a chair outside watching all the other kids play around 'must be a handful' I thought

I see a Mercedes pull up I see familiar purple eyes beautiful pale face I feel how I feel all over again how long it been 3 month

I can't help but realize she is a little on the chubby side her hair grew out I see she got present and gift bags

As she walking towards the door we lock eyes but hers look drain ,tired and hurt did I cause that? Why my heart tugging seeing her like that just like we was nobodies to each other no words was exchange she just walk past inside

I was behind her closing the door everyone just looking at us two "this a rare sight" Zenitsu blurted I just gave him a look he straighten up and ran to nezuko whining

"I'll be leaving"she says I can't help but realize her rubbing her can't be can it "oh yea hope you feel better shinobu" Mitsuri says

Oh she just sick thank god. "Yo giyu yae want to speak to you" obanai says "she have nothing to do with me tell her that" I says coldly

Shinobu pov
I can feel the cramps in my stomach already I need to go seeing him again made me sick but seeing him felt like everything I ever wanted

Hearing him say that about yae somehow made my heart lighten as I was leaving we locked eyes once more I can feel the tension I can feel the hate

But I can also see the love in his eyes he gave for me I'm sure he can see the same so caught up in his trance I almost fell but he caught me "don't fall for me again now" I hear him whispered

Sent shivers to my spine the feeling of his breath tickling my ears "trust me I won't"I says coldly it hard for me to act like I don't care when I do

Then I walk out the door towards my car I'm going to head home this baby cramps hurts and I'm craving salmon daikon badly

No doubt that it his baby even though he the only male I had intercourse with he was my first in everything even in love

Giyu pov
I'm surely craving salmon daikon all of a sudden I just sighed walking out the door hearing footsteps behind me "you still love her dont you" I hear obanai voice out of everyone he knows

"The way you still look at her she still look at you with love also so what really the problem is you at fault? And I'm not even going to lie you was at your best

You was happy different in a good way with her I know she the one for you she better then yae and your past whores" I shot a glare at him thinking he think shinobu just one of my whores

"Woah now not shinobu of course I'm on your side on that she very wife material even though you don't care about how I feel but I actually like her with you

And no it not because I'm with her bestfriend it just y'all two is meant for so apologize to her I know you at fault " he says leaning on the bench getting ready to sing happy birthday to his son

"You right for once" I sighed I thought I can bare not talking to her but I can't I got up walking behind him as he open the door thinking about her


Now I'm not the type to drink but who bring liquor to a kids party just guess inosuke did I had a few drinks

Yes I'm drunk and I'm hungry so I'll go by a near by restaurant I call my driver

To be continued.....
It been so long since I even wrote this story so I forgot plenty things it might be a plot turn if I get something's wrong don't blame me will y'all like me to continue this story even if I forgotten some things should he suffer or should she forgive

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