Chapter 10

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Kokushibo pov
I'll like to partner up with Mr tomioka company he shall accept I clear my throat and all the guest turn their attention to me

"There where so many lovely couples today but one caught my eye it mr. And mrs.tomioka I will like to have a word with you two will y'all kindly follow me "I said getting up from the table

These two tighten they guard up even further then it was can they sense that I'm a threat or maybe they always like this

I walk to my office they both sat down and look at me tomioka was being on his best behavior but kocho she totally different she won't hesitate

To talk but her smile on her face is so hypnotizing and beautiful "what do you actually want kokushibo?" She says

"Why so hasty my love I don't want nothing I just want to partner up with your husband buisness" I say "he will decline the offer it was nice talking with you " she replied

Giyu pov
"Actually I'll accept your offer"i says ms.kichi looked angry I see a vein at the side of her forehead it'll be a

waste if we can infiltrate his company he work with muzan afterall "well then we'll talk about this later"the man replied he

"Yoo hoo tomioka you know going against your wife words is very disrespectful" she definitely having fun with this act I didn't respond

"Maybe this is why nobody like you"I hear her say while walking behind me plenty people like me actually "I am like by plenty" I replied

She didn't respond  "you two is quite lovely" I forgot about that guy it was silence after that the event was over everyone say their goodbyes

Iguro wanted to take Mitsuri home after she implied that she will go with kichi but he somehow wanted her with him

Normally I'll let a girl walk home by their selves but this my secretary we talking about she might be the one who will go on these type events daily

"Need a ride home ?"i said nonchalantly "ara ara are you being a gentlemen but I drove myself here no needs" she smile that same fake mask she has

Then she walked away out of my eye sight I began walking to my driver and got in the car he started driving I pick up the call from murata

"Any updates" i ask"it was kind of hard finding out everything I had to hack inside a server but her last name isn't kichi it actually kocho and she related to kitiro kocho that the only information I can gather the rest is kept confederal"

He replied "if their any info that'll cause me or my company danger kill her on the spot" then hung up

so her last name is kocho why will she hide that who are you shinobu kocho eh? My driver made it back to my house I walk inside to a smell of food smells

Quite decent I walk in the kitchen and see cynithia already sitting down I can't help but to notice my kakushi never be at the table anymore

I just sat down and began to eat during dinner she can talk all she like "so who dis you go with?it was a event for two im not slow" damn her voice irratates me

"secretary "I says I already know she was going to complains just by her faces "choose her over me that disgusting "she say fake puking

"I just don't understand I don't like her you don't find her weird?""like she always smile not once I seen her didn't""she is creepy and she ugly"she complain

I yawned I'm really tired I got up and went upstairs I'm very sleepy and close my bedroom door I got in the shower

Shinobu pov
I hope he don't got a suspicious of me but even if he do he can't find out my origin he only will know my last name I made it easy not for regular people

But for advance I'm smarter then most my phone start to ring look at it and it was kisenami I picked up the phone and hear his happy little

"Aunt aunt aunt guess what"he shouted through the phone "what?"I ask"I going to go to grandma house sorry I wanted to go with you but dad say you busy

now that you got your job"I hear him say in a sad voice aw great I wish he could've had longer time

With my mom "it ok and hope you have fun I really am busy and it 10:00 shouldn't you be in bed mister"I said in high funny tone

He giggled "yes goodnight" "good night telll your dad I said hi"he then hung up the phone right I got work tomorrow

Next day

Shinobu pov
I'm gonna be late again oh my gosh o hurried in my car and start driving to work as soon as possible

I hit the turn in my driveway walk out my car and went inside the building "are you late again ms kichi" I hear douma says oh him again

He been flirting with me since forever I didn't respond "well since you so beautiful I bet he'll let you slide" he respond

"Thank you"I said and continue walking where I needed to go I walk in his office with a smile I see that the brat "she late again at this point she should make less money" she said turning to tomioka

"I see the useless brat is still here how sweet" I responded walking to my desk smiling I open up the browser and start finishing my work

I can feel a gaze upon me and it not cynithia it actually tomioka he looking at me like he know some thing

"Bring me coffee cynithia" he says she walked out immediately "do you know it rude to stare tomioka??" I said my eyes not leaving the computer

"Oh I didn't know ms.kocho" my blood went cold he was suspicious all this time he don't look so smart to hack the sever which means someone else knows

"Ara ara are you prying on my personal information perhaps"I said turning my eyes into his blue dull orbs "is you a threat or not"he says glaring

"I can say the same to you "I smile I see he short tempered
Giyu pov
She is really trying me "answer my question or something will happen to your family"I threaten closing my eyes to sigh I don't even know do

She even have a family well she obviously do if she got a nephew and I won't dare touch kisenami when

I open my eyes she was right behind I didn't even hear her get out the desk "touch them and I'll kill you what will you like f poison perhaps ?'' She says smiling

How can she keep that face so innocent "calm down I was just threating you but answer my question"I said turning to her purple orbs

"Ara ara threating people for fun to answer your question no im not a threat now you finna answer

mines....... I couldn't help but notice on the first day we met why you don't show emotions it like you lost them you act nonchalantly?"

She seem to notice very observant girl and she notice on the first day we met and I notice hers a week later her knowledge can be for great use

I still couldn't answer her question she just standing infront of me while im sitting in my chair she the height of me sitting down

Then my door was open it was cynithia and that pink hair girl

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