Chapter 27

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Giyu pov
3months later~
I cut all ties with shinobu well more like she cut ties with me "yae go attend to the customers that in the waiting room" I says yae walk out

Shinobu business is #2 she right behind me we seen each other a week ago I look at her as a rival I put my heart up but she seem like a key to open it everytime even if I want to hate her.

*ring ring ring*  "HEY GIYU quiet down inosuke I the one call him YOU RIGHT GRAHHHH" tanjiro scold inosuke I really don't know why he yell each time

"I was wondering will you like to g-go..."he stop talking "go where" I respond "t-to me and kanao"he getting married before me wow
"You know I will come even if it was the end of the world I'm proud of you" I say

"I got something else to say kanao well she is uhh.....pregnant she 7 months I would've told you earlier but you haven't been picking up the phone lately"

He sighs "oh congrats I been busy" I replied and hung up the phone I grab my hair frustratedly work just been stressful lately trying to stay number one

Shinobu pov
"Ms.kocho your up next" the doctor says waiting on me to get up I'm at the doctor because of a certain reason I ignored because I thought it was due to stress making it late

And my stomach look bloated just a tad "here take this" doctor says handing me a test I went inside the bathroom and took it

When I was done I gave it to the doctor she left it took a few minutes for she can return "aw congrats

ms kocho don't worry about anything about your late period and bloated stomach you will have a mini person you're three months pregnant" the foctir says

I don't know how should I take the news i just plastered that same smile on my face "thank you I will take my leave " I say walking pass her

Timeskip to her house

I'm currently in my room looking in the mirror I can feel tears slipping out I don't want no child I'm not ready i don't want to give birth to a new life I might hate but I know I will hate the father and I do know who the father is

I haven't had sex with no one except for him deep breathes shinobu deep breaths I keep telling myself should I abort it I won't be no better then a murderer

What to do what to do is this what love get you?my heart hurts is this why people say you should tell people about your pain

Is this build up pain for all these years *knock knock* "shinobu you alright?''aoi ask I forgot she came over I blank out my thoughts "y-yes" I stutter I never stutter

"I'm coming in"aoi says then open the door tears streaks on my face I didn't even realize I destroyed my room I fail again I fail letting my heart get soft

And most of all I fail letting my sister see me at my lowest mom sister what to do? I feel arms wrap around me and sat on the bed

"It okay shinobu I know the pain you hold all these years let it out please you are human you didn't fail anything just let it out"aoi says look how tables switched I usually do the comforting

And yes I let it out I let all of it out from the pain of years ago to the pain now I cried and cried myself to sleep I'll tell her I'm pregnant tomorrow I'm Tired

Aoi pov
I never seen shinobu like this I wonder what break her to this point I'm glad she let all of it out I can tell it was from new pain and old pain she never been

Comfort since mom and sister my shirt is soaked with tears I wipe my tears off my eyes hurt me seeing her like that I got up her room a mess I will clean it

While I was cleaning up I seen some papers I pick it up and read it so this is what move her to her breaking point she pregnant

That a sign she will be a great mother even if she might think otherwise I put the paper on her dresser and walk out her room

I found out I was 1 month pregnant I'm not showing yet but I will tell her tomorrow inosuke was excited when I told him I hope he mature and don't move his bladder mouth to everyone

But I do love him very much I kind of miss him I want him *knock knock* "COME IN AOI OPEN THE DOOR AND COME ON"I hear my love say

And what did I tell him about yelling I walk to the door "what have I to-"I was cut off by him hugging me "yea yea I know I don't suppose to yell but damn I miss you let go home please "he says kissing me

Crazy thing is we just been apart for 2 hours

Kanao pov
"Ok it look like your having a boy...wait a minute you having twins a boy and a girl congrats" the doctors says

"Twins?" I say looking at tanjiro surprise face "yes this sometime happen when the other twin is hiding making it seem like it only one baby good thing he move his head I wouldn't know it was two"

The doctor chuckles I laugh along "ok thank you very much sir we will take our leave"tanjiro get up and handshake the doctor "sure be back next week for another checkup"

Me and tanjiro left out and went inside the car I was running my belly twins eh I wondered why my stomach was so big when I was 2 months

"Are you mad ?is you craving something? What do you want are you scared?" Tanjiro rambles oh I love how caring he is

"No tanjiro I was just wondering how but I'm actually happy" I laughs this the best life ever I wish it don't end

"Had you told ms. Shinobu about our wedding?" He ask I stop laughing she didn't answer the phone so I text it I took out my phone to see if she texted back

And she didn't still says delivered "she hasn't been answering her calls lately but aoi went over there" i says -how about mr.tomioka?"I ask "he didn't answer in his main phone so I call his work phone

Surprisingly he answer he was happy he coming to the wedding he sound a little down though but I mean he always down you know"tanjiro says

"Oh I wonder do you think something happen between those two well they never dated but she seem alive around him""YEA that the same thing I said ms. Shinobu had open a side of giyu I never seen " tanjiro agrees

We finally made it home he open the door for me and I grab his hand we walk inside the house tanjiro you really heal me without even knowing

I says to myself we went upstairs and lay down to go to sleep "goodnight love you" he says kissing my forehead and belly I giggled "goodnight my lover "I kiss him on the lips and fall to sleep in his arms

Y'all I reallt don't know why this book did that and I can't keep up w the chapter numbers for nunnnnn K I'm done finna disown this book I'm tired jk I'll continue but here a timeskip on how everyone doing muichiro and Zenitsu doing ok too but yea should I gon head and timeskip to tanjiro and kanao wedding??

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