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3rd pov
Shinobu wakes up it 5:00 in the morning she have to use the bathroom she gently slide out giyu embrace and go to the bathroom after she finished she got back in the bed

Giyu was half way up he just wrap his arms back around her and planted a kiss on her cheek she smiled 

She opens her phone and see a lot of notification then usual she was tagged in a post not only her but giyu too

It was a picture from when they was talking outside after the wedding I didn't remember seeing any paparazzi she thought in confusion it not like she wanted nobody to know she dating him she just wanted to wait awhile


Snowice345: so this what he means when he had his eye for someone mitsurikanjiro:omgomggg they back together @shinobukocho why haven't you told meShiniobukocho:@mitsurikanjiro please text meUser453:GIYUSHINO YESS Shinobufanpage:who would've though...

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Snowice345: so this what he means when he had his eye for someone
mitsurikanjiro:omgomggg they back together @shinobukocho why haven't you told me
Shiniobukocho:@mitsurikanjiro please text me
Shinobufanpage:who would've thought the two biggest ceos sellers will go with each other wow

Giyufanpage:can they have there privacy that why I hate paparazzi it good he settling down but GIYU FOREVER MY MAN😍
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Shinobu stop reading the comments and responded to mitsuri she seen giyu up looking on her phone he tried to play it off like he was looking somewhere is "really tomioka-San"she teased

But she got back serious "look" as she hand the phone to giyu "nice picture?" he says confusingly

Shinobu just sighed 'I forgot he probably loving the attention' she thought but afterall it wasn't bad at all he mines and I'm his hopefully it true this time

They go back sleep 30 minutes later Shinobu started to have cramps making it hard to sleep she got out the bed steadily trying to get something to eat 'maybe I'm hungry' she thought before she

Touch the door knob *splash* her water broke "omg" she groan after the contraction get worser she let out a small scream giyu wakes up "what happen why the floor wet?" Shinobu glared at him in pain

"My water broke stupid" she yells in pain as the contraction get worser giyu hurriedly to her side "why at 6 inna morning u want to come" giyu whisper to the baby

Giyu guide Shinobu carefully down the stairs to the car he began to drive to the hospital when they arrive they walked in "need a doctor now" giyu yells "sorry but all the doctors occupied at the moment can she wait" the receptionist says giyu glared at her

"You going to not have a job if I wait I said gets damn doctor I can buy this whole hospital if I want don't fuck with me" tomioka says coldly to her "o-ok" she shakily says

Doctors quickly came to the area "oh it mr.tomioka hurry and get ms.Kocho to the delivery room now!" The head doctor says they put Shinobu on a stretcher and roll her to the delivery room

"I apologize for the wait and the receptionist please forgive me " the head doctor says bowing down "need to do better picking them out lady tamayo" giyu says

"She the only one that will be up this early on the morning " she says "what the room Number giyu asks "she shall be there with yushiro in the delivery room we seeing how dilated she are"

They walk to room 245 and see Shinobu there on the bed in pain "have you gave her the epidural?" Tamayo says quickly walking towards shinobu "she don't want an epidural she wants a natural birth" yushiro says

"How far dilated is she?""she is 8cm dilated she very close to giving birth" yushiro says "get all the nurses ready this birth this the most important birth by any chance tomioka is this your child in her belly?" Lady tamayo asks

"Yup" tomioka says with a small smile 'the two top ceos having a child together this going to be big news to the world' a nurse thought looking at giyu 'he so handsome'

Kanao pov
My phone was ringing like crazy 'WHO REALLY CALL THIS EARLY IN THE MORNING I decline the call like 16 times' "is you going to answer the phone kanao?"tanjiro asks

I huffed and answered "why the hell you call this early" I says annoyed "I already called the others since you didn't answer and your sister is having the baby" I hear a voice like tomioka through the phone my mind went blank for a minute then I snapped back into reality Omg omg MY NEPHEW IS BEING BORN before I can say anything else he hung up the phone

How rude of that cold bastard "tanjiro Shinobu having the baby she having the baby Omg"I says tanjiro jotted up "really we have to go" tanjiro says

we got in the car and begin to drive "I'm such a bad sister I really decline 16 calls and now imma missed her having the baby I promised her me and Aoi will be the first one up there when this day come" I complains

"Atleast you came I know your sister will understand" tanjiro smiles he put my heart at complete peace "oh how much I love you"I smiled

We made it inside the hospital I can see everyone "YOOOO SHR HAD THE BABY IT A-" "shhhhhhhhh inosuke no yelling in the hospital"Aoi says hitting him "yes ma'am" inosuke says rubbing his head

I got through and greeted everyone

Shinobu pov
"Keep calling her" I yells to giyu as im pushing I know my sister can be a sleepy head but she can't miss atleast seeing her nephew

And I can't blame kisenami he still a child he will see his cousin later on kanao have no excuse

"Ok imma need you to push you are 10 cm dilated when I say push pushed"the nurse professionally says im a little shaking up

I seen thing when girls vaginas rip and we will need stitches or what if it a stillborn or maybe what If I don't make it what if my baby don't make it

I feel a hand grab my hand it was tomioka when he grab it all my worries went away I can't believe I'm doing a natural birth "you got this Kocho now birth my son" a tick mark appear on my head what the fuck he mean HIS SON "how about you birth him"I yells slightly pushing squeezing his hand

"Haha i knew you would've pushed if I said that you see it ain't that hard to push I know you waiting to see him and he want to see us too" giyu comfortably said to me I smile it weird hearing him laugh but I'll like him to do that more often only with me though

"1 2 3 push" I pushed as hard as I can "I can see the head just 5 more pushes" I pushed again and again I almost quoted until I heard it the cry of my baby all the pain i felt went away completely

Tears start forming in my eyes my baby "you did it kocho you birthed our son" tomioka says kissing my forehead i look around and see everyone there by my side even senami and kisenami but where kanao I see Aoi and mitsuri even zenitsu

As seconds passes regret she go my sister everyone got around the bed "so what his name?" Aoi ask politely "his name is shingi tomioka" tomioka says smiling everyone looked at him surprise it the first time they seen him smile genuinely

"Yes that his name shingi tomioka" I said looking at my baby "he sure in hell look like giyu" everyone said  together "heyy he look like me too!!!" I said with a tick mark

"No aunt your genes didn't even put up a fight" kisenami says giggling

Boom had the baby wonder how they going to change they life around should I leave the book like this or should I add more I think I should add more but it up to u guysssss see u nxt time or maybe not🙃🙃

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