Chapter 22(filler)

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*Filler chapter *
3rd pov
"Kanao aoi tanjiro and nezuko I'll leave bansuro(buh~Unn~see~row this just how u pronounce it) and kisenami in your care"Mitsuri says

"I'll watch the two kids I don't really want to go"senami says he never want to leave kisenami side again

Mitsuri had a sad look but she heard about what happen so she will accept it and won't be selfish

"Okie dokie shinobu come down I want to see you"Mitsuri says Mitsuri wearing a pink short sundress that barley hug her curves

She hate how her belly look due to having the baby but she won't be gone long

Shinobu start walking down stairs with jeans and a white shirt and tennis shoes "No come on do I have to dress you here wear this"Mitsuri says pulling shinobu along

She gave shinobu a pink dress that hang off the shoulders and it short and it hug her curves very tightly "aw you got a hourglass you should show it moreeeeee I wish my body never mind " Mitsuri whines

'Of course she'll give me the dress she WANTED to wear' shinobu thought "hey you just had your baby don't be sad" she smiled

"Oh yea Carla and Lucy will be there there some doctors that help me with my baby" Mitsuri says shinobu really wasn't so please to hear that

Because that mean she will have to be polite to them and got to deal with them touching her Mitsuri notice that also and realize she going off what kanae will do but 'she got to break that it her life not kanae but her she need to

know this 'Mitsuri thoughts kanae will be happy to meet new people so I should to shinobu thought


Cmon we almost late let go iguro and giyuuuuuu~ should be there"Mitsuri said giyu name teasly shinobu had a small blush what no one can notice

Just by hearing his name inplus he still didn't explain about that kiss in the hallway


Shinobu and Mitsuri sitting down in the place they plan to go to (think what place they at but me imma imagine them at the club because idk)

Iguro is already there and Carla and Lucy they would've waited for giyu but he took so long so everyone didn't care

But a certain petite girl had him on her mind a few moments later giyu walked in for a second her heart begin to fasten but it immediately stop

"Tomiokaaa it so crowed don't you think" yae whisper to him on her tippy toes he nods his head in agreement "hey there go them" she points

Towards Mitsuri they start walking towards shinobu don't know what to feel at this point because when they made it over there

Giyu not once glance at her he had his eyes stuck on the talking long hair women "everyone here is so cute omg so glad I came" yae exclaimed

'I just hope she don't mention about yesterday that was out of line of me'giyu thought he staring as yae talking wanting to go already

"Giyu let go over there"yae asks pointing towards the bar he agreed tomioka himself been trying to get friends to prove shinobu wrong

Other opinions don't matter but somehow shinobu does inplus he kind of taking a liking to yae she so polite not too annoying or mean to others  

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