Chapter 25

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Shinobu pov
"How much you hate me for I can decide shall I please you or not" he whispers grabbing my waist

"So much I can't count" i says trying to get out of his grip he start trailing kisses around my neck and cheeks and i soon stop trying to break loose

I gave in again like I always do his intoxicating scent fill my nostrils "why you so angry with me?" He whispers

As his breath tickles my ear I didn't respond "oh we not responding I see" I can feel him pressing his bulge against me oh curse him he always think with his dick all the time

He walk infront of me and grab my chin he look at me for a few moment and kiss me and I kiss back and One thing start leading to another

And I found myself  moaning out his name "get on top" he says looking at me I obey his plead and got on top of him it took awhile for me to settle into a comfort position

He put his hand on my waist as I sway my hips in a circular up and down motion it and it felt good it few
Minutes later he start ramming into me harder and faster

I start moaning louder I can feel my climax breaking as I cum he pull out and cum in the condom that he finally uses yea we both can't afford a child not financially just that I'm not ready and he don't want

one I put on some clothes and he got up and put in some clothes after the shower now that I'm thinking

I did a little research on my own I wanted to know more about him I heard he killed his last girlfriend I don't know why I knew she was pregnant from all the information I gathered I just wonder how cold is he

He don't seem like he will hurt anyone unless I haven't see. That side of him he have multiple sides he say and I'm working on wanting to know each and last one of them

I have a side a side where I don't open up about we all have a dark side don't we? As I lay in the bed  it getting kind of cold so I scoot closer towards him

I can feel him putting his arms around my waist pulling me into his chest even closer

Giyu pov
She seem to be thinking of something I don't know each time I'm next to her let alone see her I'm calm I never feel this way before I feel like

I'm suppose to protect her she have a soft spot in my heart for her and I don't know how most women I

won't even care but she different I hope she never come across my dark side the blood that stain

On my hand I'm not dumb I know she know some things about me I just don't know what yet

She scoot her petite body closer to me she seem even more beautiful close up I can feel her shiver a bit so I pull her closer I don't usually care about women but she different somehow

My eyes grew heavy I never went to sleep this fast

2 weeks later

Giyu pov
"Bye giyu had a nice time with you~" yae says waving she try to give me a hug but I decline and I start walking to my car

I drove back to my house and went in the shower kocho still sleep I can see all the hickeys and scratches on my body and the hickeys is only from shinobu I didn't let yae kiss me at all give me my credits

Me and shinobu been having sex past weeks I hope she aren't catching feelings but I feel something in my heart tugging for her each time I see her

She beautiful then any girl I met i cut the water off and get out the shower today is a rainy day clouds darkening up

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