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Ah o-oh okay almost at 900 reads this is going so fast but its good tho 🤭
[DISCLAIMER: There's gonna be a scene were they do "it"... if you're uncomfortable, you've been warned]

Pierre looked at me.
-"That's good you're open about it. You guys would make a cute couple." I smiled.
-"Wait, what's your name though? I haven't catched it yet."
-"I'm Palm. But my nickname's Pond."
Pierre chuckled. "I'll just call you Palm." Pierre looked at Khun Nueng and Shawn. 
-"Actually, if you don't mind, I want to tell you something." He looked away, like he was thinking if he should really tell me.
-"What is it?" I asked out of curiousity.
-"Well, not long ago, I saw a ring in Shawn's bag. Do you think he wants to propose?" I gave my answer a short pause.
-"I think so. If yes, you should accept his proposal. He seems like a good guy." Pierre looked at me, surprised.
-"Nueng also seems like a cool guy."

I got to get to know Shawn. He's a simple, but fancy guy. He likes talking in a polite way. Luckily, the others didn't understand our convo because we talked in Chinese the whole time. I learned that Shawn wants to propose to Pierre, so he needs our help to find a good place to propose. I catched Palm glancing at me. He and Pierre seemed to have a good convo, too. I had to grin when I saw Palm smiling and laughing. It was different from the way he did when we were at home. He's acting... different when he's with someone else than me. I like the way he's with me. He's cute.

When I told Palm about it, I felt like I was standing at the bottom of a vulcano and it would spit out lava all the time, so many ideas had Palm. Lastly, because he wasn't stopping to spit put his ideas I put him silent with a peck. I felt the heat going all up to my face. Luckily, I don't blush so much. I hoped he didn't notice. Palm was stunned, didn't say anything, just played with my hair afterwards while I'm lying on halfway on him. Everytime I peeked at his face, wanting to remember the face he was making. He just smiled and I had to look away. I guess after a while, I fell asleep.

-"Phuwin." Someone called out for me. Surprised, I sat up real fast but I didn't see anyone else than... Palm smiling. A little annoyed, but also relaxed, I felt my heart starting to beat faster.
-"How the frick do you know that name?" I asked and rolled my eyes.
-"I heard your mum calling you that. It sounds cute, like a little panda who likes to eat a lot." Palm smiled again. I looked at him, watching his every moves.
-"Fine." I grinned.
-"I admit, it's my nickname and I hate it. Now it's your turn. What's yours?" He stared back at me. Palm. Is that even his real name or does he have two nicknames? Already making out a scenario, Palm answered.
-"People are calling me Pond." He simply said, not telling me if it was his name or nickname.
-"It's simple and cute. I like it." I answered and grinned seductivley.  There was this tension. Staring at each other. I felt this. What will happen when we have to move on from the island? Will we still be... like this or is Palm only playing his part? I looked away for a second, then felt his lips pressing on mine. I knew it wasn't gonna be "just a peck", I felt his lust and his dying to do me. There was more in this kiss. His lips started moving, and we sucked each other's lips and I let his tongue inside. I broke from the kiss, catching my breath.
-"Palm" I huffed. I heard him also catching his breath. Huff, Huff, huff.
-"Should we do something even more exciting?"I asked and grinned.
-"You're naughty." Palm told me.
-"Pond." I quietly said his name.
-"Don't say that name." He warned me.
-"Pond..." I cried out like a little child. Immediatley, he tore my shirt up and sucked on my chest. Dang, my plan worked.
-"Ahh..." Then he kissed me again, but the other second he was at nibbling and sucking my chest again.
-"Pond." Why did I say his name again?
He looked at me, giving me this warning signal he wouldn't hold back this time. I took his shirt of, revealing his trained body. I let my hands run over his every corner and every places on his chest. Exploring the curves of his abs.
-"You like it, no? Your body isn't too bad either." He told me, then pulled his pants down. I followed him. Then he started thrusting. It was slow at first, I ran my hands though his hair. I let out a quiet moan.
-"Pond..." I moaned. He went faster, kissed me and played with his hands on my chest.

I found myself asleep again. Wasn't today the day where Shawn wanted to propose...?
-"Palm! Wake up! How much time is it?" He was a little sleepy. Already 10, I answered my own question.
-"What's up?" He asked in a deep, sleepy voice.
-"Get up and come downstairs." I got ready myself first, then I got ready to meet Shawn and Pierre.

-"Hello you both!" I called them, as I saw them. Shawn gave me a sign with his eyebrows that je was ready.
-"Hi." They both said.
-"Where's Palm?" Pierre asked.
-Oh, he's just getting ready. He will come soon." We all got ready. We told Pierre that we were going to to go somewhere and he should just tag along. As we arrived, I looked at Palm. He nodded and smiled, like always. As if he wanted to tell me it's gonna be just fine. We watched them from afar, under some palm trees.
-"Pierre, I have to tell you something." Shawn took Pierre's hands.
-"We've been together for 5 years and went through so much together already, it almost feels like a dream. I just wanna tell you..." He got down on his knees.
-"...I love you so much. Will you marry me?" Pierre looked so shocked, I almost thought he would leave Shawn sad. He gave his answer a big and long thought.
-"I do love you too." He paused and smiled.
-Let's get married." Shawn was so happy he immediatley kissed him. I smiled at them, from afar. They're cute. I looked at Palm, checking if he had the same thoughts and also smiled at him. He smiled back at me. Then he took my hand and interwined our fingers. I took a peek at our hands. I'm getting a little shy. I looked back at Pierre and Shawn who were hugging. I'd kinda like Palm to hug me like that, too. Then I noticed. I fell inlove with him.

Ahhh this was so cutee
-cucumber [writer] and sausage [typos checker]
-1187 words

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