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Help almost forgot to upload cuz im sick💀

I heard voices. I couldn't tell who they blong to, I just listened to damp voices as I opened my eyes.
It feels to tiring to open them.
So I left my eyes closed.
Suddenly, the surroundings got louder.
So I had to see who was here.
I'm lying on a couch??
Then I saw Chopper, my cousin. I saw Palm. I saw Kit's bodyguards. And... the police??
What the actual fuck is going on?
The police was dragging Kit to the exit forcefully.
-"You can't just take me with you!"
He screamed.
That just made Palm laugh in a sarcastic way. Then he grinned. The first evil grin I've ever seen on him.
It actually suits him well.
-"You really think I wouldn't have done any research? You really don't think I would've come behind all those dirty buisness you do?!"
I straightened my back as I changed my position from lying to sitting on the couch. Then I got up.
The police still held his hands even with thr handcuffs on.
-"Actually. I have done some research too."
He looked at me as if he'd just seen a ghost.
-"You too?! How could my own son and nephew even betray me!!"
I cleared my throat.
-"I handed it over to Palm a few days ago. He is holding the documents right now."
I glanced at Palm's hands.
The angry expression I wanted to see on my uncle's face for so long. All thr bodyguards left already, the police is looking for them.
Suddenly, someone rushed in the room. It wasn't one of the policemen, it was...
...one of the bodyguards!
-"Don't move or I'll shoot!"
He told everyone, pointing a gun at me. Then one of the policemen moved closed to the man in a suit.
-"Sir, calm down."
He said.
Then he shot thr bullet.
There was this sound
I expected to feel this pain, but I didn't. Then someone fell down in front of me, blood coming out of the chest. I looked down to see if he shot the policeman. At the same time, the realization came. It hit harder than a gun pointed by him at my forehead.
I shook him.
-"PALM. Wake up."
I shook harder.
-"This is no joke. Please. Don't leave me. Not now. I need you."
Next thing I recall is a police officer calling the ambulance. Everyone was screaming. The guy with the gun was gone.

I sat in front of the emergency room, waiting for the incoming good or bad news. I planned on keeping it in me and not letting it out, but I just had to cry. So I cried for a while on my own.
-"Hey Nueng."
I heard another familiar voice.
What's it all about the familiar voices lately??
I looked up.
-"Ben! Chopper! What are you doing here?"
Ben sat down next to me.
-"Oh we're just checking if you're doing okay."
I nodded.
-"It's okay I guess. I'm just waiting here."
Chopper patted my head.
-"I'm sorry for not doing anything until now. I just couldn't take and endure it at some point anymore."
I slowly nodded again.
Then I saw the way they are looking at each other.
-"Sooo... are you guys a thing now?"
They looked at each other.
-"I guess you could say so."
Chopper casually said.
Ben smacked his head.
-"What do you mean, "i guess"? I guess my foot!"
Chopper just laughed it off.
-"Fine fine. We're dating."
-"That's good to hear."
They both nodded.
-"But let's talk about you. Palm's you boyfriend, right?"
Ben randomly threw the news into the room.
-"Palm's my boyfriend."
Chopper smiled.
They both made this sound.
I tried to smile.
-"We love each other a lot."
I told them.
-"Nueng, I noticed right away that there was something off when Palm came to our school."
Ben was toally eager speaking about my love life.
-"But... since when are you offically together and who knows?"
I thought about it for a moment.
For how long...?
-"Hmm maybe about a couple of month. 3 I'd say. And this one girl knows."
They looked amazed.
-"That's long. Well I hope your relationship will last as long as ever!"
Chopper seemed in thoughts.
-"You mean Maggie?"
-"Ah right, that was her name. I keep forgetting."
Chopper nodded.
-"Uh uh. Listen, we have to go now."
Ben looked at his boyfriend in shock.
-"What? We can't just leave Nueng here!!!"
I forced a smile.
-"It's okay. You can go."
-"We're leaving."
Chopper's words came before Ben could finish speaking.
Then they walked hands in hands down the hall, arguing.

Shortly after, a nurse rushed out of the emergency room.
-"How is he??"
I stood up.
The nurse nodded.
My heart skipped a beat while I was anxiously waiting for an answer. Then it beat faster than it ever did
-"Well... He seems stabilized now, but he's still in a coma. But not for too long. He is okay. He will wake up soon."

-881 words
-[writer] cucumber [typos checker] sausage
I haven't been checking for a longer time, but we reached my views goal!
We reached freaking 3k views!
Thanks to all supportive readers we love yall

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