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Writers note (please read!): Ya'll, this is already chapter 10!!!! I wanna give a big thank you to the people who have been with me from chapter 1. I never expected it to even make 5 chapters - I only started for fun but now we're at 0.5k. For those who wanna know I planned for now 24 chapters... sooo we're soon at half ;)

As I woke up, I felt something warm and soft beneath me. Still with my eyes closed, I touched it. I was so tired. "What are you doing, Khun Nueng?" That startled me. I hopped up from the bed. "Holy-" Palm looked at me. "What is it?" He asked. "You are red in your face. Do you have fever? Are you okay?" He got up from the bed and touched my forehead. "I'm fine I guess." I mumbled. Then he pulled me into a hug. That's when I remebered what happened yesterday. I hid my face in his chest. Why is this embarrassing..? He chuckled. "What's so funny, Palm?" I scolded him. "Nothing. It's just cute." I looked up. "I already told you multiple times to stop calling me that!" I scolded him again. He sniff-kissed my cheek. "But I like that." These innocent eyes. It's not like he really is so innocent... I glanced away, outside the open window. "Well. Espacially around your mum. We shouldn't let her know that you're my bodyguard. Act natural with me." I told him. "Your dad isn't here." Finally, after a long period of thinking, Palm nodded. "Krub." I sighed. "And stop that, too." "Then, I'm gonna go get changed and shower." Palm let go of me. I just nodded.
This is gonna take a lot of time for him to understand.

I woke up again as I heard the sound of the floor creaking. I slowly opened my eyes and saw Palm leaning over me. "Palm, what are you doing?" I panicked a bit. "You're all red again, are you really sure you're okay?" He asked. Sh**, since when has he gotten so bold? He isn't as shy anymore as he was when we met. "Well, your ears are red too..." I just responded. Palm looked at me. It was a deep look in my eyes. The black top he was wearing made him look hot. His longer hair he had to put back most of the time. I didn't think long anymore. I just did it. I kissed him. It was a short peck, but that's all I could do. Him still leaning over me, but then leaning in. "Oh my god, am I interrupting something?" Palm jumped off from me and I fixed my hair and clothes. "No, mum. Come in." She looked startled. "Ah, it's okay. Just come down when you're done with whatever you were doing... it's time to get to work." I put my head in my hands. Palm grabbed one of those. "It' okay, Khun Nueng. Come on, let's go down. She needs us since we're staying here." He kissed my forehead and let go of my hand. Palm left the room. I stared at my hand, still left with the feeling of his hand touching mine. "Are you coming?" Startled, I got up. "Yeah."

There wasn't a lot of work to do today. We only had to do some errands for Palm's mother. He took me with an old motorcycle to go to the market. That's the life I've been dreaming of. I hugged him all the way to the market 'cause he told me to hold on tight onto him. I had to smirk when I thought about that. I felt the wind rushing through my hair and I heard the sound of the engine. I planned on buying a new phone so I could contact Palm's father. "Khun Nueng, what are you doing?" He asked me when I was about to pay. "Don't buy that. They could find us through the GPS!" His face was all panicked. "But I have to spend the money anyway..." Palm insisted on it being too dangerous. So I didn't buy it. "What else do we have to buy?" I asked instead. "Well not much." He looked at the list. "Oh wait. We're done. Khun Nueng, let me take you somewhere." He told me. I glanced at him. "But Palm, your mother is waiting..." He smiled. "I guess she could wait a little more, right?"

-760 words
This one was a little short because I'm busy. The next one will be longer! :)

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