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I was walking down the street, when someone suddenly dragged me away.
-"Hey! Let me go!"
I yelled at the person I couldn't see because of a mask they wore. But I knew he was a guy when I saw his phsyique. Suddenly, he tried to hit me, but I reacted before him and hit him straight in the stomach. Another guy came up to me, and we fought for a while. Somehow, he managed to get me panting on the ground.
Off guard, focused on what's in front of me, someone hit my head from behind with a bat.

When I woke up, I found myself in a very spacious and rich-looking room.
My time of thinking must be over.
I thought as I found myself surrounded by people dressed in black.
My head hurt, and not all my senses came back yet. When I started to look around me, I realized I was sitting tied up on a chair which made me sigh. Before I could look around more, I heard loud footsteps. Then someone clapped.
-"Good job." He said.
You probably can guess who "he" was.
-"Who do we have here? Oh right. Palm! Good to see you again."
I looked at him, feeling provoked.
-"It's been a week as you've may guessed."
Khun glared at me.
-"But I see you still haven't done anything. Can't open your mouth?"
He smirked.
-"And I won't bother doing anything. I told you, if you want to kill someone, kill me."
I heard him sigh.
-"Palm. I see you didn't understand it yet. You see, if you don't do anything, I will kill them both myself. Understood?"
I looked aside, avoiding his gaze.
When I didn't answer him, he pulled my hair. Then he smacked my cheek.
-"Now go and do something about it before I take your precious Nuengdiao away."
I tried to free myself, but the ties on my hands were so tight.
Khun Kit laughed sarcastic.
-"Cut his ties. I don't have anymore buisness with him."
I felt my hands get lighter and moved them.
As if we were good friends, he patted my shoulder when I stood up.
-"Palm, remember this"
He leaned closer to me and whispered into my ear
-"Don't forget what'll happen to them if you don't do it."
I stared at him, he let me go.
With quick steps, I made it outside.

I've been thinking a lot.
I shouldn't be doing this.
It's wrong to do this, and I know it.
When Khun Nueng wasn't back from work yet, I knew it was my chance.
I opened my hand and looked at the injection Khun Nueng's uncle gave me.
Will I be needing this?
I often asked myself what it's actually like killing a person. Will you feel guilty, relieved or nothing?
As I walked to the hospital, my heart felt heavy. I wore the black cap Khun Nueng gave me and other spare black clothes I still had.
I'm not scared of Kit, neither of his bodyguards.
Then I finally reached the hospital.
There was no one at the reception, and I didn't see the nurses walking all excited up and down the hallway. It was dark.
I sighed.
Is this really the way it should be?
I couldn't stop thinking about it. Maybe I can come up with a different solution.

After I found Khun Nueng's mother's room, I had to inhale and exhale because I suddenly felt sick. When I stood next to her bed, I pulled out the injection.
Make sure no one is around.
I told myself and took my gun to look outside the room in the hallway.
I put the injection next to her on the table.
That's when I figured out a plan.
-"What are you doing?"
A familiar voice.
-"Khun Nueng!"
My voice was full of surprise.
-"What are you doing here?"
I asked back.
He let his eyes wander around.
-"What excactly where you planning on doing? Palm, what is this shit?"
I didn't know what to say. I had no good excueses.
-"I wasn't planning on actually killing her! Let me explain. Please!"
I begged him.
Khun Nueng's sigh was full of anger.
-"Just once. I want to hear a reasonable excuse. If you even have one."

We went home together.
The silence when we were in the room was long. Then Khun Nueng said
-"Now say something. Anything. I'll believe it."
-"It wasn't even my intention!"
I suddenly shouted.
-"It was your uncle. He told me I should do it. He told me I should kill one of you, or he'll kill you and your mother. I even offered myself, you know? I wasn't even going to kill her. I was just going to pretend I actual did."
Silence. Again.
-"Why didn't you tell me?! We could've worked it out together!"
-"Because I didn't want to bother you!"
-"Palm, when have you ever been a bother to me?"
I didn't know what to answer.
-"Fine. If he wants to kill someone so bad, he should kill me."
I had my gun still pulled out. He grabbed my hand, pointing the gun at his forehead.
-"Khun Nueng, I can't do this! You know it!"
I said, terrified.
That was when he started crying.
-"Just do it... please..."
I can't. I can't. I can't.
I pulled the gun down and hugged him.
-"We're gonna figure it out together, okay? But I can't kill you."
Khun took my hands.
His tears were running down his cheeks like little waterfalls.
-"Palm. Tell me everything from now on."
His voice full of tears, but still with confidence.
I trust him.

-1012 words
[Writer] cucumber [typos checker] sausage
the angst I had and I was so tense while typing this oof
Just a reminder, this my AU from NLMG, so I'm trying to adapt it as much as I can

Btw, since we're already at 24 chapters, I think we'll need 30 to finish this
Hope ure looking forward to it :)

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