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It's uploading 1 day earlier because I'm not home over the weekend. Also, I couldn't log into my wattpad account today and got a shock hope it will not happen again..

Nobody could think straight since the incident. Nothing is making things better as they are now. Sometimes, I want to cry thinking back. But, I know I shouldn't. Crying will not make the situation better.


I was coming back home from shopping with Khun Nueng. He gave me this cap, on the cap where big white letters "Never Let Us Go."
-"Who are "us"?"
I asked him and smiled. He looked away, playing upset.
-"Think about it."
I knew what he meant.

Guys in black. With caps. Guns. They appeared again.
-"You were lying!"
One screamed.
-"You will pay for that!"
Then they started shooting with their guns.
-"Run, mum!"
I told her, both of us terrified. She looked at me, smiling.
I stood there, next to the counter, with my gun, in shock.
She knew this would happen.
-"Leave her alone!"
I screamed and shot back. Khun Nueng came running around the corner.
That moment, she was shot. Lying there on the ground. I ran up to her, hoping they didn't shoot in her heart. The guys panicked and ran away.
-"Mum???" I sobbed.
-"Wake up!" I told her, knowing it won't happen. This flame of hope inside me got bigger and bigger. Then she opened her eyes.
-"Palm... I love you."
She whispered.
Khun Nueng came up to me.
-"Palm." He put a hand on my back.
-"We have to go."
Tears came flooding down my eyes. But I nodded.

High obove the sea, we found clips to settle down on for a short moment.
I looked down, my eyes getting all watery. He scooted over to me.
-"Are you okay?"
He asked, worried.
How could he ask this?
I looked him into his eyes.
-"No. I am not."
-"Palm, you shouldn't have come here in the first place. It's my fault. I didn't know...-"
I interrupted him.
-"Khun Nueng, you know it's what I wanted! It's nobody's damn fault! When will you understand that I'm doing this because I love you?"
I got up. He did too.
-"Well, I didn't know this would happen! You shouldn't be doing this! I could've done it on my own."
He shouted back at me.
I sighed, putting my head in my hands.
-"Then, was you loving me a lie?"
I shouted. Khun Nueng paused for a second, he looked as if he was deep in thoughts.
-"Yes. It was all a lie! I never loved you. I only said that because I felt bad for you."
I didn't say anything.
Could this get any more worse?
-"If you have nothing to say, I'm gonna go."
He told me. And he really left. Even though I was hurt, I knew he only said that because he's stressed. I couldn't just let go now. So I ran. And hugged him from the back, hoping to make him stay.
-"Please... stay with me. I love you more than anything."
I whispered and tightened the hug. He held my hands.
-"I'm sorry Palm. I didn't mean that...-"
He broke the hug to look at me. I could see it in his eyes, he wasn't lying.

So we went to a hotel somewhere far away from the small city. To stay for this night, knowing they found us. Luckily, the hotel owner was nice and let us stay in a small room because it was the only one left. Actually, many couples come here, but I didn't know if we even are one anymore.
-"Stay with me."
I told him in the bathroom in the bathtub. He came in and hugged me. I enjoyed the hug for a brief moment, then I thought of all the things that have happened today and I noticed how much weight was put on my shoulders because of all this.

Later, I drank a bit. I drank two bottles. Then we danced to the music. Then he kissed me. We kissed once or twice. Was he pitying me? Was he telling me he loved me? I couldn't tell. We hugged while dancing again. I could see he was feeling really bad and wanted to make it up. Also wanting to comfort me, which I was grateful for. I didn't want to be alone in the moment. It was too much. When we lie on the bed, he told me stories and I listened. Somehow, my eyes got really heavy that I was sound asleep soon. I didn't even dream. The next morning I woke up, I found a letter next to the bed. He was gone. Only leaving behind a letter. Telling me he had to go back. Telling me I shouldn't come after him. Saying he's sorry. Maybe he wanted me to better my life or start a new one. Maybe we just aren't meant to be together.

-906 words
-[writer] cucumber [typos checker] sausage
Why did I almost cry while typing this 🥲
Sausage said I wrote it too emotional bcs he almost cried too
I tried writing the chapter like the episode where they have the fight and Nuengdiao leaves but I couldn't quite remember the dialogues like the story telling in the bed and I didn't have time to rewatch so I thought this will do 🤷🏻‍♂️

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