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The sound of the school bell echoed through the hallways, signaling the end of the class and bringing a sense of relief to the students as they fixed belongings and prepared for lunch.

"And that's all for today, enjoy your lunch!" the teacher bid his goodbye. The class immediately became loud after he left the room, the students went on to their friend groups and chatted, while the others raced to the cafeteria to eat.

"Hey Gyuvin! Aren't you gonna eat lunch?" a boy asked his friend, who leaned his head back on the chair as soon as the teacher left.

"I'm too tired just grab me some food while you're at it" he replied with his head still down.

"I am not your freakin slave, so just stand up" the other retorted with frustration.

"Carry me" he replied as he reached out both his arms.

"Stand up before I pull your arms out and make you roll all the way to the cafeteria" said another boy who popped out of nowhere.

"Fine, this the reason why you cannot find a lover" the brown-haired boy snapped back, as he slowly stood up.

"Excuse me?! First of all the reason why I dont have a freaking lover is because I chose not to-"

The boy with brown hair confidently stated, "There's no way anyone will believe your words, Park Gunwook" as they left their classroom together.

"Alright just stop it both of you" the other boy named Kim Taerae said as he shushed the two bickering guys behind him.

"I cannot put up with your nonsensical acts anymore" he added.

"But you can't leave us since you have no other friends" Gyuvin teased and in response, Taerae playfully punched his arm.

"Look he can't even deny it" Gunwook laughed.

The three friends went to the cafeteria and enjoyed a tasty meal together. They entertained each other with funny stories and jokes while eating. They had a great time and created lasting memories of their time together.

"Ah Taerae you mentioned yesterday that you had something to say, right?" Gunwook said, suddenly remembering his friends' message from last night.

"Oh right" Taerae responded casually, before reaching for his glass of water, taking a sip to calm his nerves. He took a moment to collect his thoughts, gathering the courage to express what he had been meaning to say. As he spoke, a rush of warmth surged through his face and ears, causing a gradual blush to spread across his cheeks, which did not go unnoticed by his friends


"Remember when I said that I had a crush on *coughs*" He said excitedly.

"Yeah on-" Gyuvin trailed off as he slowly focused his gaze on a boy seated three tables away. His friends, sensing his intrigue, turned their heads to follow his gaze before hastily diverting their eyes elsewhere.

"Yeah him, I'm actually thinking about confessing my feelings to him soon." Taerae blurted out, his face turning a deeper shade of red. The thought of revealing his emotions made him even more flushed than he had been moments ago.

"You will?! When did you become so brave?" Gyuvin asked completely surprised by his frinds' statement.

"We became closer the past few months and I thought that maybe I should do it before I regret anything" Taerae smiled.

"Are you actually prepared for the consequences though? What if he rejects you?" Gunwook asked with a worried expression.

"I am prepared, I'd rather cry about something that happened rather than something that never even happened" the boy shrugged.

"Alright, we just don't wanna see you cry" Gyuvin replied.

"Actually I kinda do-" Gunwook's response was abruptly interrupted as a finger playfully flicked against his forehead, causing him to pause mid-sentence, momentarily taken aback by the gesture.

"Shut up" Taerae retorted with a dismissive gesture, rolling his eyes at the person who had spoken.

After a while, their break finally came to a conclusion and the students reluctantly made their way back to their respective classrooms. With a sense of routine, their day resumed as usual.


to be continued

𝐂𝐔𝐏𝐈𝐃 ➴  𝐠𝐲𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐲  『zerobaseone』Where stories live. Discover now