Side Chapter 2: V A L E N T I N E S

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Gyuvin decided to go shopping for chocolates to distribute on Valentine's Day. Typically, he didn't pay much attention to such holidays, until he realized he had developed feelings for his friend, Taerae. Wanting to keep his emotions discreet, Gyuvin decided to give chocolates to everyone in his class. However, he wanted Taerae's gift to stand out, so he put in extra effort to make it special. To avoid raising any suspicion, Gyuvin made the gifts for Taerae and Gunwook somewhat similar. This time, he decided to give flower-shaped chocolates to his classmates, while his friends received a box containing both cupcakes and chocolate chip cookies.

Arriving at class earlier than usual, he intended to discreetly place the chocolates in his classmates' desks before they arrived. However, to his astonishment, a lot of his peers had already taken their seats, leaving him no choice but to distribute the chocolates personally to those present.

"Yujin! Here you go!" With a bright smile on his face, Gyuvin happily extended his hand towards Yujin, presenting him with the meticulously created flower shaped chocolate.

"Thank you! Here!" The boy responded by giving Gyuvin a pack of gummies.

After some time, Ricky arrived in the classroom, so Gyuvin excitedly handed him the chocolate. "Ricky!" Gyuvin eagerly exclaimed while distributing the chocolate to Ricky.

'is this a confession...?' A confused smile formed on Ricky's face as he received the unexpected gift. The blond was taken aback by the unexpected gesture of receiving chocolate from the boy. He couldn't help but wonder if this meant that the boy was confessing his feelings to him. It was an unexpected situation for Ricky, as this was the first time Gyuvin had directly given him chocolate. However this wasn't the first time the boy handed out chocolates it just happened to be that, this was the first time Ricky received it directly, since he was usually late to class every Valentine's due to the numerous confessions he usually receives along the way. This made him assume like there was something else behind this act of kindness from Gyuvin.

"What's this?" Ricky asked suddenly. He felt confused and bewildered because he couldn't believe that the boy he wanted to get close with might have feelings for him. This surprising realization made him feel a mix of emotions, from astonishment to uncertainty, as he tried to make sense of the strange situation.

Gyuvin, taken aback by the blond's unexpected question, hesitated for a moment before responding, "Uh, chocolates...?" He couldn't help but feel taken aback by the sudden question.

"Oh I-"

In a sudden shout, "Gyuvin!", one of their fellow classmates exclaimed, "THANK YOU FOR THE CHOCOLATES!", causing them to turn their heads.

"Welcome!" Gyuvin replied.

"You're the only one that saves my lonely ass every valentines..." Jiwoong whined.

"Oh, as if!? you were literally drowning on the gifts from your fans earlier," Taerae replied, earning an eye roll from Jiwoong. Gyuvin laughed at them before turning his gaze back to Ricky.

Gyuvin asked, "sorry about that, what were you saying again?" showing interest in what they were saying.

"Oh I was just gonna say thank you" With a smile on his face, Ricky expressed his gratitude. In response, Gyuvin simply nodded in acknowledgement. However, Ricky felt the need to reciprocate and give something in return, even though he hadn't purchased anything for the occasion. Suddenly, a memory struck him - he had bought a tube of Pringles on his way. Without hesitation, Ricky reached into his bag, rummaged through it, and presented the Pringles to Gyuvin.

"What's this-"

"Pringles!" Ricky cheered.

"Pringles for Valentine's? Cute" Gyuvin muttered to himself, expressing his delight at the idea of Pringles being an unconventional choice for Valentine's Day. "Thank you!", he thanked the blond individual before proceeding to distribute the chocolates to the rest.

This brief encounter between Gyuvin and Ricky may have seemed unimportant, but its impact on their connection was significant. Gyuvin kept his true emotions hidden while pursuing Taerae, causing him to experience a mix of intense feelings. Ricky, on the other hand, developed misguided assumptions about Gyuvin due to his desire for a deeper connection with him, which were ultimately far from reality.


side chapter 2: VALENTINES


𝐂𝐔𝐏𝐈𝐃 ➴  𝐠𝐲𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐲  『zerobaseone』Where stories live. Discover now