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It has now been a full week since the moment when they both revealed their true feelings for each other, and ever since then, their connection has been unbreakable. They have been engrossed in constant communication, engaging in late-night conversations that seem to stretch on forever. Gyuvin, who has never been so attached on his phone before, now eagerly awaits each notification, practically jumping at the chance to check it with an uncontainable smile on his face. On the other hand, Ricky has been actively avoiding any visits to the Kim household, ever since their unforgettable date at the amusement park. He wasn't prepared to face Gyuvin's playful parents, who have been enthusiastically trying to bring them closer together since the very first moment they met Ricky.

The entire Kim household was filled with the echoing sound of a phone ringing, as Gyuvin had mistakenly left his phone in the kitchen before entering the bathroom for a soothing bath.

"GYUVIN! YOUR PHONE!" The nonstop ringing of the phone had become a distraction for Mrs. Kim, who had finally reached her limit. Determined to put an end to the disruption, she marched towards the phone to uncover the identity of the persistent caller. To her delight, she discovered that it was none other than Ricky, a close friend of Gyuvin. Eager to share the exciting news with her son, Mrs. Kim wasted no time in alerting him to the call. With a sense of anticipation, Mrs. Kim knocked on the bathroom door, her voice carrying a mixture of excitement and curiosity. "Honey, Ricky is calling! Should I answer?" she exclaimed, hoping to capture Gyuvin's attention. The young boy, momentarily pausing his solo concert, responded with a small "yes." Filled with relief and anticipation, Mrs. Kim proceeded to answer the call, eager to converse with the blond.

As Mrs. Kim began to say "he-", her greeting was abruptly interrupted by a gentle and soothing voice that emanated from the peaceful morning.

Ricky's words escaped his lips in a sweet and longing tone as he uttered, "I miss you..." The unexpected confession caught Mrs. Kim completely off guard, causing a rush of warmth to flood her cheeks, leaving her flustered and at a loss for words. In attempt to regain composure, she hastily ended the call, abruptly ending the connection between them. Meanwhile, on the other end of the line, Ricky couldn't help but feel a wave of confusion washing over him as the call abruptly ended. He couldn't help but assume that Gyuvin, must've been taken aback by his heartfelt words, causing his face to flush crimson with emotions.

"Uh- honey, the call got disconnected, you should just call him back," stammered Mrs. Kim, who immediately put the phone back on the counter, startled by what Ricky said to her son.

A short while later, Gyuvin stepped out of the soothing embrace of the shower, feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. He took his time to meticulously groom himself, ensuring that every strand of hair was perfectly in place and his clothes were flawlessly pressed. With a mixture of excitement and nervousness, he got his phone and dialed Ricky's phone number. As the phone rang, Gyuvin couldn't help but feel a surge of anticipation coursing through his veins. He held the phone to his ear, his heart pounding in his chest, as he anxiously awaited Ricky's response. Seconds felt like minutes as he patiently waited for Ricky to answer the call, his mind racing with a million thoughts and questions.

After the phone had rung twice, Ricky grabbed it and his voice was brimming with curiosity when he asked, "What made you hang up? Didn't you miss me?". A playful laugh escaped from Ricky's mouth, leaving the person on the other end of the line completely bewildered.

Gyuvin, with a puzzled expression on his face, asked, "What do you mean?" as he struggled to understand the meaning behind the statement.

"Stop playing dumb, babe-"

Gyuvin wanted to make it clear to the blond individual that he was not intentionally pretending to be ignorant. "I'm not playing dumb though? I asked my mom to anwer the phone earlier since I was taking a bath", he explained.

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