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After their first official date, the couple decided to pay a visit to Gyuvin's home and formally announce their relationship to his parents. Despite Ricky's lingering feelings of shame and humiliation from his cringe-worthy phone call with Mrs. Kim earlier in the day, they mustered up the courage to proceed with their plan. To demonstrate their sincerity and show proper etiquette, they made a stop at a nearby flower shop where they purchased a bouquet of freshly bloomed roses to present as a token of respect to Gyuvin's parents. Then, they hopped in a cab to get to Gyuvin's place much faster.

"Are you sure about this?" Gyuvin asked. As he couldn't help but notice the evident nervousness that had engulfed the blonde after they had purchased the beautiful flowers.

"Of course not, I mean I can face your father, but your mom..." The blond trailed off, remembering the embarrassing scenario that happened this morning. "What does she think of me now?" He whined, Gyuvin couldn't help but chuckle at Ricky's cute reaction.

Gyuvin, assured, "I already told you a thousand times that she would still like you regardless of what embarrassing shit you did, plus it wasn't even that bad" then proceeded to gently pat the blond's head, to give comfort and support.

"How about you? Do you want to meet my parents?" Ricky asked unexpectedly which caught Gyuvin off guard, prompting him to respond with surprise and curiosity.

"M-me? Meet your parents?" Gyuvin smiled awkwardly. "I mean I'd love to, but do they even know who I am-"

"Of course they do!" Ricky exclaimed as his eyes lit up. "I literally told them everything we did. So do you want to meet them?" Ricky asked with hopeful eyes. Gyuvin wasn't ready yet, but how can he resist those sweet, hopeful eyes of Ricky? So he nodded slowly, causing Ricky to jump up with joy and hug him tightly.

Ricky's face lit up with excitement as he exclaimed, "Great! I can't wait to tell them." With anticipation building, they soon arrived at the Kim residence. Stepping out of the cab, Ricky inhaled deeply, feeling Gyuvin's reassuring grip on his hand. Together, they climbed the stairs slowly, each step allowing Ricky to regain his composure. Finally, they stood in front of the door, and Ricky took a moment to blink slowly, using the action as a calming technique. Gyuvin, sensing Ricky's need for support, reached out and opened the door, revealing what awaited them inside.

"Mom? dad?" Gyuvin called, receiving a small "Yes?" from his parents, who appeared to be in the kitchen. The two walked inside and made their way to the kitchen. Ricky received a warm hug from Gyuvin's father and a brief "hello!" from Gyuvin's mother, who was busy preparing an aromatic fried rice. Ricky gave the flowers he had bought, earning a big smile from his parents. After the mother finished cooking, the family invited the blonde over to dinner and forced him to sit down.

Gyuvin, overcome with nervousness, cleared his throat in an attempt to steady himself. He knew that the moment had arrived for him to expose the truth about their relationship. Drawing the attention of everyone in the room, he began hesitantly, "Uh, so..." His voice trailed off momentarily, allowing him a moment to gather his thoughts and take a deep, calming breath. In that same instant, he discreetly reached under the table, his hand gently seeking Ricky's in an intimate connection. Their fingers intertwined, symbolizing their bond, as he boldly presented their entwined hands to his parents. A radiant smile graced his face as he proudly announced, "We're dating." Ricky, on the other hand, was caught off guard by the informality and casualness with which Gyuvin had revealed their relationship. Overwhelmed by this unexpected turn of events, he instinctively placed his palm on his face in disbelief. The room erupted in laughter at Ricky's comical reaction, prompting Gyuvin to ask, "Why?" His laughter echoed through the room, mirroring the joy that filled his heart.

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