Side Chapter 3: U N / C R U S H

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The two boys were leisurely spending their time at a local park, savoring the refreshing taste of ice pops while comfortably seated on a bench. They went out to buy some supplies for the upcoming opening of classes. Whilst enjoying their treats, they engaged in light-hearted conversation, discussing various topics and exchanging random thoughts when Taerae suddenly suggested to go on a trip before their summer vacation ends.

"HEY?!" Taerae exclaimed, catching the attention of his friend who was zoning out for a while.

"Huh? Why? Why?" Gyuvin asked as he snapped out of his daze.

Taerae let out a heavy sigh, frustration evident in his voice as he replied. "I asked you if you wanna go on a trip" However, Gyuvin's lack of focus or interest had caused Taerae's patience to falter, leading him to roll his eyes in annoyance.

"Trip? With?" Gyuvin asked.

When asked who the obvious choice was, Taerae responded with a hint of sarcasm, saying "Me? Obviously?".

Gyuvin repeated his question of "Just us?" once again.

Taerae let out a sigh of annoyance before responding with a simple "Yes". The boy's weird behavior was beginning to get on Taerae's nerves, as he seemed to be completely out of it that day. In an attempt to understand what was happening, Taerae asked, "What's the matter with you? Are you sick or what?" As he casually pressed his palm against Gyuvin's forehead, then a sudden rush of embarrassment flushed over Gyuvin, causing him to immediately remove Taerae's hands from his forehead.

"No, I'm not sick, I was just thinking about some things..." Gyuvin replied, trying to hide his blushing face.

"Eh? Nothing ever concerned you this bad, what is it?" Taerae teased as he laughed heartily.

In Gyuvin's mind, he couldn't help but think, 'You dumbass.' It had been a whole week since he first acknowledged his feelings for his friend, and it was a something that took him by surprise. At first, it wasn't so intense, just a fleeting thought of "He's cute," but as they spent more time together, those feelings only grew stronger and stronger. Taerae had been Gyuvin's friend for as long as he could remember, and their bond was unbreakable from the moment they met. They were inseparable, always hanging out together alongside their other friend, Gunwook. It seemed like they practically lived their lives in each other's company, until Gunwook decided to move to the countryside. With Gunwook's absence, Gyuvin and Taerae found themselves growing even closer. However, the closer they became, the more Gyuvin found himself wrestling with his own emotions. He showered Taerae with affection, love, and special treatment, initially thinking it was just to compensate for the longing they felt due to Gunwook's absence. But as time went on, Gyuvin realized that his gestures went beyond filling a void; those actions were driven by a deep romantic attraction he had towards his friend. Lost in his thoughts, Gyuvin was pulled back to reality when Taerae rested his head on his shoulders.

"So? Are you in?" Taerae asked.

"Of course, If I dont then who would take care of you?" Gyuvin with a blushing face teased earning an eyeroll from the smaller boy.

"Yeah right, I literally had to look after you as if I'm your mother" Taerae scoffed, as he recalled all the times he had to pick up after his friends' clumsy ass.

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