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"I-uh..." Ricky found himself at a loss for words, unable to form a coherent response to Gyuvin's unexpected statement. His mind raced with uncertainty, unsure of whether Gyuvin's words were genuine or simply a joke. Even more bewildering was the question of whether Gyuvin truly had any affection for Ricky, despite all the teasing he had endured. The weight of these conflicting emotions left Ricky stumbling over his words, struggling to express his thoughts and feelings in the face of such uncertainty.

Gyuvin hesitated as he began his sentence, "I- actually..." but his thoughts trailed off. He did not know what caused him to blurt out the word 'now'. Just then, he noticed that they were almost finished eating. "Let's finish this first then head out" he suggested, while he saw the blond's ear slowly become flushed.

"Sure" Ricky replied. After a few minutes they finished eating and decided to head to a nearby park. The park was breezy and calm, there weren't much people around.

On that enchanting night, the moonlight illuminated throughout the sky, casting a mesmerizing glow upon the park. The stars, like tiny diamonds, twinkled and danced, adding to the ethereal beauty of the moment. Such a magical atmosphere was perfect for confessions of love. And Gyuvin, amidst this celestial backdrop was planning to confess, confess the truth that he didn't really like the boy. However, as he contemplated the words he would use to express his emotions, a wave of panic washed over him, leaving him uncertain and bewildered. Maybe he panicked because he was afraid that this would ruin their newly formed friendship. Or maybe he panicked upon realizing that he had grown fond of the other boy's presence, cherishing the moments they spent together, even amidst their constant bickering and flirty teasing. Inevitably, Gyuvin found himself at the crossroads of his emotions, grappling with the intensity of his feelings and the uncertainty that lay ahead.

The boy snapped out of his thoughts and let out a sigh. They sat on a bench, side by side, staring at the beautiful night sky. "Ricky..." the brown-haired boy called out.

"Hm?" Ricky's response came slowly, his attention shifting away from his current focus to acknowledge the boy who had called out to him. To his surprise, he found that the boy was staring at him with a melancholic expression painted on it's face.

With a slow, deliberate grin, Gyuvin uttered these words, "To be honest, I don't really have any feelings towards you..."

"I know..." Ricky responded with a soft chuckle, pretending to be unaffected by the revelation. However, he couldn't help but feel disappointed when he heard those words directly from the boy.

"You do?" Gyuvin asked curiously.

"I noticed something even before we hung out, your eyes would always fall to one person whenever you smile and that person was Taerae" he stated, Gyuvin's eyes widened in shock. "But you happened to 'confess' to me which surprised me" he said while making air quotations on the word confess.

"You knew? You noticed that before we even talked?!" Gyuvin asked in disbelief.

"I wasn't too sure about it but I found it weird at first, that's why I started following you around..." Ricky explained as he averted his gaze back to the beautiful night sky. "When we hung out, you often blush at my silly antics but it was mainly because you're embarrassed, right? It wasn't because of me?" He asked teasing the other boy, Gyuvin laughed and quietly nodded. "When we hung out at the karaoke, I became 90% that you like Taerae, you looked at him with pure admiration the whole night" Ricky chuckled remembering how Gyuvin stared at Taerae as if his eyes were glued onto the boy. "Today you looked extremely depressed when I saw you, and when you mentioned Taerae's confession I was like 'oh that's why' so I was kind of glad that I called you to hang out" Ricky smiled as he looked back at the brown-haired boy who seemed to be lost in their thoughts.

𝐂𝐔𝐏𝐈𝐃 ➴  𝐠𝐲𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐲  『zerobaseone』Where stories live. Discover now