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With their faces positioned just a few inches apart, their cheeks turning a rosy hue, and the sensation of each other's warm breath on their skin, the two young boys found themselves caught in a moment of intense connection. Their heartbeats quickened in unison, a palpable tension filling the air as both struggled to confront their own buried emotions. Caught in a deep gaze, their eyes locked with an intensity that spoke volumes. However, their private moment was abruptly shattered when the cart door swung open, revealing their stunned friends who were speechless by the unexpected sight. Acting swiftly, Gyuvin straightened himself and firmly took hold of Ricky's hand, pulling him away from their bewildered friends as their hearts continued to race. Ricky, still confused from the sudden turn of events, couldn't fully comprehend what had just happened. Yet, as he remembered Gyuvin's heartfelt words, a small, involuntary smile escaped his lips, hinting some deeper connection between them. Seeking privacy in a quiet, secluded corner of the park's upper area, they found themselves surrounded by the serene beauty of the night sky, its stars shining brightly. Gyuvin struggled to catch his breath, his heart still racing, but he refused to let go of Ricky. Overwhelmed by the intensity of his feelings, Ricky couldn't help but fear that his heart might give out if this intense emotional rollercoaster continued much longer.

After what felt like an eternity, Ricky and Gyuvin finally caught their breath, they settled themselves and became silent. However, unable to bear the weight of the silence any longer, Ricky mustered up the courage to break the tension. With a mischievous glint in his eyes, he couldn't help but comment on Gyuvin's firm grip on him, "Oh, look how the tables have turned" he said with a hint of playfulness and amusement. Gyuvin, catching onto Ricky's playful observation, followed his gaze and burst into laughter. It was a moment of realization for both of them, seeing how their roles had now reversed, mirroring the very beginning of their relationship.

"Deja vu..." Gyuvin muttered, slowly letting go of Ricky's hand. However, to his surprise, Ricky caught his hand, slowly intertwining theirs. Gyuvin was baffled so he looked at the boy with pure shock, the blond saw him and immediately laughed at his reaction. Feeling a sudden surge of confidence inside him, "Do you like me?" Gyuvin asked boldly.

Ricky responded in a nonchalant manner, agreeing with a casual "Yeah," whilst simultaneously increasing the strength of his grip on Gyuvin.

"For real?" Gyuvin was even more perplexed by this revelation and couldn't believe what he was hearing. He struggled to come up with a longer sentence to express his astonishment. Seeing Gyuvin's reaction, Ricky couldn't help but laugh before answering with a nod. "Damn- you'd fall for anyone who falls for you?" Gyuvin joked, still struggling to believe it.

Ricky quickly clarified his innocence by exclaiming, "What? I never did" He then moved himself closer to Gyuvin.

"You fell for me though?" Gyuvin said confused.

"But you never liked me?" Ricky said with one eyebrow raised.

"What if I actually did?" Gyuvin replied.

"Are you confessing right now? Are you finally sure whether you are faking this or not?" Ricky repeated the words that the boy had spoken earlier, questioning whether he was confessing at that very moment and expressing his curiosity about the genuineness of his feelings. He then tilted his head and leaned in closer to Gyuvin's.

Gyuvin, taken aback by the sudden turn of events, could barely find the words to express his thoughts. He stammered, "Wha- I-" as he struggled to gather his thoughts and form a coherent response.

"Where did your confidence go?" Ricky playfully taunted, wondering what had happened to the boy's once unshakeable confidence that he had displayed so fearlessly during their ride on the ferris wheel.

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