Side Chapter 4: B A R I S T A

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Amidst the fun celebration, the boys excitedly exclaimed, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" Their cheerful voices filled the room as they enthusiastically clapped their hands. Zhang Hao, the birthday boy, smiled with delight as he took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and gently blew out the flickering candles on top of his beautiful cake. The room was filled with applause and laughter, echoing the happiness and excitement that filled the air. Overwhelmed with gratitude and happiness, Zhang Hao sweetly hugged his friends, expressing his genuine appreciation for them.

"Oh, thank you~," the birthday boy said with a cheerful smile on his face.

"Here" Ricky said, extending his arm towards the boy and presenting a small black box.

"What is this-"

"Don't shake it!" Ricky said, his eyes widening in shock, he immediately moved to hold Zhang Hao's hand. This unexpected action left the birthday boy confused and puzzled, wondering what type of gift he had just received.

"If this is some alive shit, I will literally dissect your entire being" Zhang Hao glared.

"Enough bickering, just open the gift" Jiwoong interrupted.

Zhang Hao listened and eventually opened the box, revealing a brand new rolex watch. He was utterly shocked by the gift, though it wasn't the first time Ricky gave him something really expensive, Zhang Hao is still constantly surprised on how the blond kept on finding lavish items to give away. "Wha- Why- THIS IS SO EXPENSIVE!?", he exclaimed.

Ricky flashed a genuine smile as he said, "Well, you were constantly checking out that watch so I decided to be the one to buy that for you". Unable to resist the opportunity to surprise and make his friend happy, Ricky purchased the watch. However, his good intentions were met with a playful smack from his friend.

"Ricky" Zhang Hao sighed. "I appreciate the gift, a lot. But promise me that this would be the last expensive gift you'd give" he said as he took out his pinky finger.

"Why? I don't have many friends anyway. Besides, the only people I've given expensive things to so far were my mom, dad, Jiwoong, you..." he fell silent for a while before finally uttering the words, "and Gyuvin", he said, with a faint smile escaping from his lips

Zhang Hao's eyes widened in disbelief as he exclaimed, "but still!- wait- WHO DID YOU JUST SAY!?", he asked completely shocked.

Jiwoong couldn't believe his ears. "Wait, did I just hear Gyuvin?" he exclaimed with surprise and curiosity. His ears perked up, his attention fully focused on the conversation at hand.

"OH MY FUCKING GOD, I KNEW IT!" Zhang Hao exclaimed.


Zhang Hao enthusiastically agreed, exclaiming, "I knew it, without a doubt, my gut feeling was spot-on when I saw him casting his vote for the trio's disastrous performance from that time!" Zhang Hao's excitement was evident as he enthusiastically bounced up and down, mirroring Jiwoong's movements.

"EXACTLY! This man has the highest standards yet he voted for those three" Jiwoong burst into laughter, emphasizing the irony of the situation.

"ENOUGH!" Ricky whined, "They were really good, okay? They were just nervous that time, I saw them training and-"

"And now you're defending them?!" Zhang Hao playfully teased.

Jiwoong couldn't help but tease him, "you even watched him practice?!", he added with an amused expression on his face as he playfully covered his mouth with his palm.

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