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The two young boys kept sprinting with determination until they finally arrived at the bus stop. Ricky suddenly stopped, causing Gyuvin to also come to a sudden stop. Both of them were panting heavily, desperately trying to catch their breath after the run. Despite their condition, Ricky tightly clung onto the other boy's hand, unwilling to let go.

'What's his deal?!' Gyuvin thought as his heart raced and his breaths came in heavy gasps, he couldn't help but think that the other was undeniably insane.

"Are you alright?" Ricky asked still panting, while a bus slowly approached the stop.

"Do I look like I am?" Gyuvin replied sarcastically, as he noticed that the other was still holding his arm, he tried to pull it back. Despite Gyuvin's attempt to reclaim his arm, Ricky maintained a firm grasp and proceeded to pull him onto the bus that had just arrived. The bus was quite spacious so they sat down next to each other. Gyuvin tried to take his arm away from Ricky's grip and the other let him do so.

"Where are we going?" Gyuvin asked curious and anxious at the same time.

"We'll get off at the next stop" Ricky responded, his eyes briefly shifting towards the other person. The bus ride was quick and quiet, the two eventually got off it.

Ricky escorted the other to a new cafe, it was a normal looking cafe however it has more art decos compared to the others. They chose a seat then sat down. "What would you like?" Ricky asked the other.

"Oh let me order with you" Gyuvin suggested, Ricky hesitated but eventually agreed. They stood up the went to the counter to order.

"I'll have a mango smoothie..." Gyuvin trailed off as he went to look at the delectable pastries. Among them, a particular cake stood out, capturing his attention. As he contemplated his options, his gaze momentarily shifted to the blond standing beside him, patiently awaiting his decision.

"Order everything you want" Ricky chuckled as he encouraged the boy to order whatever they liked.

"Nah I'm good" Gyuvin smiled, with the other replied with a nod and gestured him to sit back in which he followed.

As Gyuvin observed the boy placing his order, he couldn't help but acknowledge the undeniable fact that Ricky has a strikingly attractive appearance. With his dark, defined features and slightly upturned eyes that perfectly complemented his blonde hair, Ricky exuded a cool and enigmatic aura. It wouldn't come as a surprise for anyone to develop a crush on him, but for Gyuvin, it was quite unusal. You see, Gyuvin had always been naturally drawn to guys who were gentle and cute, which happened to be the complete opposite of the boy he confessed to have found himself inexplicably drawn to. Lost in his thoughts, Gyuvin was abruptly snapped back to reality when Ricky took a seat in front of him and energetically waved his hands to catch his attention.

"Enjoying the view?" Ricky smiled teasing the other boy.

"Yeah, this cafe is really pretty specially the art pieces" Gyuvin replied innocently, despite knowing that the other was referring to its face. Ricky let out a soft chuckle when he heard the other answer naively.

"Oh they actually offer stencils and stuff to customers, those artworks are made by the customers and the owner" Ricky anwered excitedly while his eyes slightly gleamed.

"Really?" Gyuvin asked, genuinely amused by the information shared by the other boy.

"Yeah and they are being sold here as well" the blond added.

Gyuvin's face lit up with delight as he exclaimed, "Wow, that's so cool!" His eyes wandered over to the other boy, only to discover a him staring at him. The sudden intensity in the other boy's stare caused Gyuvin's cheeks to flush, as a wave of warmth washed over his face. Sensing the need to divert attention away from his own blushing, Gyuvin swiftly changed the subject. "WAIT- didn't you mention that this is your first visit here?" Gyuvin asked.

𝐂𝐔𝐏𝐈𝐃 ➴  𝐠𝐲𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐲  『zerobaseone』Where stories live. Discover now