Side Chapter 1: E N C O U N T E R

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Zhang Hao's voice resonated with frustration as he screamed through the phone, desperately seeking an answer to the burning question that consumed him: "WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU?!" It was a day where their group of friends decided to explore the captivating exhibits at the art gallery. Unfortunately, Ricky overslept causing him to lag behind schedule.

"I'm nearby, I'll call you when I get there". Ricky said concluding the call. It was in that moment when he was captivated by the beautiful melody resonating from the park nearby. His curiosity made him to pause and redirect his attention towards the source of this enchanting sound. To his surprise, he came across three young boys completely absorbed in a passionate dance routine, their bodies covered in sweat as they flawlessly synchronized their movements to the rhythm. Overwhelmed by their immense talent, Ricky found himself unable to look away and became glued to observe their performance for an extended period of time. Gradually, the faces of these exceptional boys became recognizable to him.

As he observed the young boys' dancing, a thought crossed his mind, "Isn't that Gunwook?" In that very moment, the group paused their practice, allowing Ricky to confirm without a shred of doubt that the boys he saw were indeed his classmates Gunwook, Gyuvin, and Taerae. With no time to spare, the boys immediately resumed their practice, showcasing their awe-inspiring dance skills, each exhibiting their own unique style. Yet, amidst their dance, one boy effortlessly stole Ricky's attention. With seamless grace, he glided across the floor, using his entire body to elevate the dance, casting an air of unmatched coolness. This exceptional dancer was none other than Gyuvin. Standing tall above the others, Gyuvin possessed an irresistibly magnetic and outgoing persona that made him liked by everyone. With his genuine kindness and thoughtful attitude and his strikingly handsome face served as the cherry on top.

As Ricky observed the boy and its undeniable coolness, a sudden desire welled up inside him, making him want to strike up a friendship with the amazing individual. Despite not being particularly close with Gyuvin, the blond was aware that their lack of conversation opportunities had hindered the possible development of their relationship. Just then, Ricky's thoughts was abruptly interrupted by the persistent ringing of his phone, reminding him about why he was actually outside. Determined to reach the art gallery faster, he immediately catched a cab.

Several days passed and to Ricky's surprise, he continued to stumble upon the trio's practice sessions. Each time he witnessed their performance, he couldn't help but be astounded by their skills, leaving him in a state of awe. On this particular occasion, Ricky found them at the school gym, engrossed in intense practice. The trio's coordination had greatly improved, and Ricky couldn't help but cheer at their synchronized movements. Amazed by their overflowing talent, he quietly muttered a word of encouragement, "fighting," before quietly leaving the scene. Deep down, Ricky sincerely wished the best for the boys and their future performance.

On the day of the highly anticipated school performance, the trio experienced an overwhelming surge of anxiety that consumed their thoughts and emotions. As their scheduled performance time drew closer, their minds became increasingly chaotic. Finally, the moment arrived, and a wave of nervousness engulfed them, causing their minds to go blank. Despite their best efforts, they were unable to execute the dance routine flawlessly, missing a few steps and struggling to stay in sync with one another. However, with their determination to make the most out of the situation, and they managed to maintain genuine smiles on their faces throughout the messy performance. Surprisingly, their efforts were met with cheers and applause from the crowd, offering a glimmer of satisfaction amidst their disappointment. Despite their feelings of dissatisfaction, they collectively decided to embrace the experience and find humor in their imperfect performance. Ultimately, they realized that the outcome of the performance was not as important as the bond they had created and the joy they had experienced from the process, creating another cherished memory in their friendship.

Ricky was completely stunned when he witnessed the three completely falter during their live performance, as it was the exact opposite to the flawless execution that they had displayed during their rehearsals. Initially, Ricky felt sympathy for their disappointment, but he was quickly surprised by the radiant smiles on their faces. Despite their clumsiness, these smiles exuded an undeniable cheerfulness that was contagious. Their passion, dedication, and commitment won over Ricky, as he understood the value of their genuine emotions and eliciting a positive response. Intrigued by their enthusiasm, Ricky found himself drawn towards them. Their determination and energy created a connection that made him to wholeheartedly cheer them on. When it came time to vote, Ricky wasted no time in enthusiastically supporting them. While they may not have been the most polished performers, their infectious energy effortlessly captivated the audience.

Despite their numerous mistakes, the trio managed to secure a commendable 4th place in the program's final rankings. This achievement was particularly impressive given the extent of their errors throughout the performance. As they made their way off the stage, a wave of enthusiastic cheers and unwavering support from their classmates who were eagerly applauding their efforts, engulfed them. Among those offering their encouragement was Ricky, a familiar face who had been cheering them on from the sidelines.

Jiwoong expressed his admiration for the three, exclaiming, "You were absolutely incredible back there!" The compliment was met with a modest response from the trio, who appeared slightly embarrassed but appreciative of the kind words.

"Oh shut up, we screwed up the whole show" Taerae laughed with everyone.

Jiwoong playfully teases, forming a heart with his hands, and jokingly says, "Even though you didn't win, you will always be a winner in our hearts!" His lighthearted comment received a playful punch from Taerae.

"Since you guys ranked pretty high, I'll treat you some pizza!" Mr. Baek appeared out of nowhere. The sudden announcement gained all sorts of cheers from the students. After quite some time, the class eventually arrived at a delightful pizza place and took their seats to devour the delicious meal. As soon as their eagerly anticipated pizzas were served, an eruption of joyful cheers filled throughout the entire table.

Zhang Hao couldn't help but express his disbelief as he questioned "But seriously you guys were so amazing back in practice, what the actual fuck happened?". Taking a bite of his pizza, he couldn't contain his frustration as he pondered the unexpected turn of events.

Gyuvin, with a mouthful of pizza, muttered under his breath "Stage fright".

"Despite the outcome, you should still be incredibly proud of yourselves!" Mr. Kim exclaimed cheerfully, his face beaming with delight, as he took a sip from his refreshing cola.

Ricky suddenly said, "Exactly, you still stood out, especially Gyuvin". This unexpected remark caused a brief pause in the conversation, before the rest of the group chimed in, expressing their admiration for the trio's remarkable ability to maintain a genuine smile despite the overwhelming anxiety that consumed him.

Following that, a delightful atmosphere filled the air as they all engaged in casual conversations, with the trio being the center of attention. The events of that day were etched into their memories, but for Ricky, it held an even deeper significance. As the day came to a close, he found himself harboring a newfound desire to develop a friendship with the three, specially with Gyuvin. Throughout the night, Ricky's gaze remained fixated on the boy, his face adorned with a contented smile. What started off as a mere flicker of curiosity had now blossomed into an earnest desire to establish a bond with Gyuvin.


side chapter 1: ENCOUNTER


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