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After a long and exhausting run, Gyuvin finally arrived at his apartment building. He paused, gasping for breath and desperately attempting to regain his composure. Taking a moment to catch his breath, he swiftly ran and made his way toward his home. As he reached the door, he quickly entered the pin code, eager to find peace within the comfort of his home. Just as he was about to close the door, a sudden and piercing shout echoed through the hallway, causing him to freeze in his tracks. Startled and taken aback, Gyuvin widened the door slightly, revealing his friends with expressions of both exhaustion and distress, as if they were on the verge of collapsing.

"When did you become so fast-" Taerae said breathing heavily, trying to catch his breath.

"He isn't fast, it's because his legs are fucking long" Gunwook replied while trying to catch his breath.

"I almost dropped half of the groceries trying to catch up-"

"Alright just come inside" Gyuvin said as he snatched the groceries from Taerae's hands.

Gyuvin scanned his surroundings, feeling a sense of relief wash over him as he realized his parents were not present in their home at the moment. The last thing he wanted was for them to lay their eyes upon the disheveled state of their beloved child and his friends, as they would bombard them with never-ending questions. Gyuvin grabbed something for his friends to drink while his friends escorted themselves to the sofa. He handed them the drink in which they finished in one huge gulp.

"So what are you gonna do about it now?" Taerae asked slightly guilty, if he didn't pester the other with it then this wouldn't have happened.

"I dont know, let's not talk about it" Gyuvin murmured, sinking into the soft cushions of the sofa. "You guys can leave whenever, I'll rest for now" With that, he gently shut his eyes, signaling his need for rest and respite.

Meanwhile the two exchanged glances asking each other what to do. Gunwook cleared his throat and said "We'll leave then, Taerae's mom is probably waiting for the groceries" The two bid their farewell and left the home.

Gyuvin couldn't help but ponder. In a fit of frustration and confusion, he repeated the question over and over in his mind.

'Why? Why? WHY WAS HE THERE?!'

His agitation grew so intense that he resorted to kicking his feet in an attempt to release some of the pent-up emotions.

"How the fuck am I gonna face that guy tomorrow, I can't even take it back anymore" he fake cried. "Ah shit" he whined while kicking his feet. He remained insane for a while before deciding to gather himself, he eventually showered, and went to bed. However his thoughts didn't seem to calm down, his mind was flooded with the embarrassing scene that took place a few hours ago. The boy was unsure whether he'd be able to face the blonde, let alone sleep through the night. He had no choice but to hope that everything was just a dream.

The following day arrived, and even though it hadn't even begun yet, the boy was already longing for it to be over. He made sure to prepare himself and arrived at class earlier than usual, hoping to avoid any unnecessary interactions with Ricky. To his surprise, he arrived even earlier than expected, with the sun not yet risen, making him the first person to enter the classroom. In an attempt to pass the time, he organized his locker and desk, and soon enough, some of his classmates started to come in. However, time seemed to be moving slowly. Feeling hungry since he hadn't managed to eat breakfast, he decided to grab a few snacks.

He headed towards the snack bar, searching for a mango-flavored drink. As he was contemplating his options, the bell above the shop door chimed, signaling the arrival of more customers who also made their way to the beverage section. Finally settling on a drink, Gyuvin reached out to grab it, but coincidentally, another student reached for the strawberry drink right beside it, causing their hands to unintentionally touch. Gyuvin's hand closed around his chosen drink, and he slowly turned his gaze to the person he had just brushed against. As he looked, his face gradually paled, realizing who it was.

𝐂𝐔𝐏𝐈𝐃 ➴  𝐠𝐲𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐲  『zerobaseone』Where stories live. Discover now