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Ricky and Gyuvin concluded their presentation with ease, which led to them achieving an exceptional score. Their peers erupted into enthusiastic applause as the teacher announced their grade. The remainder of their classes flew by effortlessly, and before they knew it, their highly anticipated summer break would be just a few weeks away.

Taerae's voice was filled with excitement as he enthusiastically exclaimed, "GYUVIN!" His playful punches lightly connected with the boy's arm multiple times, showcasing his admiration and support. "You were so amazing back there!" A genuine smile stretched across his face, radiating warmth and appreciation.

"Yeah! Why didn't you do this when we were your partners?!" Gunwook teased.

"Things that love can do" Taerae sighed, then immediately after the three of them bursted out laughing.

Gyuvin scoffed at their excessive reactions, confidently asserting, "Y'all are overreacting, I was this amazing even then" He couldn't help but roll his eyes at their exaggerated reactions. Suddenly, he sensed a gentle tap on his back, he turned around and saw Ricky with his friends.

"Well done!" Ricky said as he high-fived Gyuvin.

"Congratulations Gyuvin!" Zhang Hao smiled.

"What about me? Aren't you gonna congratulate me?" Ricky asked in disbelief.

"Nah, Gyuvin was probably the one who did all the work" Zhang Hao argued.

"That's right, I'm speaking from my experience" Jiwoong laughed and was kicked by the blonde.

"THAT'S NOT TRUE! Right, Gyuvin?" Ricky, with puppy dog eyes, protested and desperately hoped that the boy would back him up. However, instead of helping, Gyuvin took advantage of Ricky's vulnerable expression and proceeded to playfully tease him even further.

'No- I actually did most of the slides'

Gyuvin said, "Cute". The mere utterance of this word caused a sudden shift in the atmosphere, as if time stood still. All eyes were fixated on him, widened in pure shock, causing Gyuvin to be consumed by a wave of panic. His mind became a chaotic whirlwind, mixing his inner and external thoughts into a mess. Which resulted into an immediate flush of embarrassment that crept up his cheeks, turning them a rosy shade. Meanwhile, the others remained frozen in a state of awkward silence, as if unsure how to respond to this unexpected outburst.





Jiwoong, Zhang Hao, Taerae, and Gunwook simultaneously spoke together, breaking the awkward silence around them, and then erupted into uncontrollable fits of laughter, filling the air with their joyous sounds.

"Someone fell hard" Jiwoong teased.

"I DID NOT!" Gyuvin argued back with an annoyed expression on his pink face.

"I never mentioned a name though?" Jiwoong said, raising an eyebrow. While Gyuvin covered his face as it started to become even more flushed.

"He definitely fell too hard" Zhang Hao teased.

The blond playfully answered, "Who wouldn't? I'm the one and only Ricky" He then hushed the crowd and gently removed Gyuvin's hand from covering his face.

"What?" Gyuvin asked irritably.

"Cute" Ricky smiled at him.

"*cough disgusting *cough" Zhang Hao teased as they observed the nauseatingly affectionate scene taking place between the two.

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