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The end of the school year marked a significant change in the boys' daily routines. It would be expected that they wouldn't see each other as often, but contrary to this assumption, Gyuvin and Ricky began spending even more time together. Sometimes they would be accompanied by their friends, but most of the time it was just the two of them.

From the very first day of their vacation, it was clear that their newfound closeness was growing stronger. Ricky surprised Gyuvin by unexpectedly showing up at his house and insisting on spending time together. This became a regular occurrence, to the point where Ricky would even stay overnight at Gyuvin's place. Gyuvin's mom noticed this and started preparing extra food, anticipating Ricky's arrival. At first, Gyuvin was annoyed by the situation, but as time went on, he began to get used to it and actually looked forward to his blond friend's visits. He couldn't understand why Ricky chose to spend so much time with him when he had plenty of other friends who would probably be more than willing to hang out. However, Gyuvin found himself feeling bored and lonely since Gunwook had gone to the countryside to visit his family, and Taerae had made plans with Junhyeon. With limited options, Gyuvin genuinely enjoyed the company that Ricky provided.

The resonating chime of the doorbell echoed through every corner of their humble home, filling the air with anticipation and curiosity. As the door swung open, revealing the person on the other side, Ricky stood there, his hands tightly clutching a beautifully adorned box of cupcakes. Stepping forward, he couldn't help but notice the striking resemblance between the woman before him and the very boy who had captured his heart not too long ago.

The blond greeted Mrs. Kim with a cheerful "Good morning!" as he graciously handed the freshly baked cupcakes to everyone present.

"Good morning sweetie, I told you to just call me aunt or mom, no need to be so formal." She smiled at the boy and gestured for him to go inside.

"I'm sorry, I'm too shy-"

"Oh, come on, it's okay you basically live here anyway," she laughed. "Gyuvin is still sleeping in his room, can you wake him up for me?" She said motioning for him to go.

With a cheerful expression on his face, he answered,"alright auntie!" before proceeding to lightly knock on the door leading to Gyuvin's room. However, receiving no response, he gently pushed the door open to catch a glimpse of his friend cocooned in a blanket, resembling a perfectly wrapped burrito.

Ricky couldn't help but comment "cute" under his breath, seeing how adorable Gyuvin looked, he approached the boy's bed with caution. He gently shook Gyuvin, hoping to wake him from his slumber, but to no avail. "Gyuvin?", Ricky increased the intensity of his shakes, desperately calling out Gyuvin's name in the hopes of waking him up. Nonetheless, Gyuvin remained in a deep sleep, completely oblivious to Ricky's attempts to awaken him. Feeling a sense of frustration, Ricky made one final effort, he said, "Gyuvin? GYUVIN?!". Just when he was about to give up, a glimmer of hope emerged as he heard Gyuvin groan and shift restlessly in his bed.

"Hm?" Confused by the interruption, Gyuvin gradually awoke from his slumber, only to find himself taken aback by the sight of the blond boy gazing at him affectionately. With a playful chuckle, "Damn, what a way to start the day", he then, teasingly shoved Ricky off his bed and causing the young boy to tumble onto the floor.

Ricky, lying on the floor claimed,"Just a glance at this face would immediately make anyone's day better". To emphasize his point, he struck a playful pose resembling a blooming flower. Meanwhile, Gyuvin, unimpressed by Ricky's antics, shook his head and proceeded to gather himself and stand up, with Ricky trailing close behind him.

"Morning mom!" The brown-haired boy cheerfully greeted his mother, as she busied herself with preparations to depart.

After a long night of sleep, the moment had finally arrived when the sun's rays peered through the curtains, signaling the start of a new day. With a warm and affectionate tone, his mother pleasantly greeted him, "morning sweetie! I've already prepared food so just help yourselves, I'll get going now", she informed. As she slipped on her shoes, a sense of urgency filled the room as she mentioned that she needed to leave promptly. With a heartfelt goodbye, she bid farewell to the boys, leaving them to enjoy their meal.

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