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Student say good morning to principal •••••••••••••••••


Hi miss jennie good morning plz come in our teacher say

Lisa pov; o my god she is so beautiful. And young who can she become principal at such small age she is looking super hot my god my friends and other students are greeting her I was in my thought suddenly her gaze fell on me and smirk appeare on her lips I don't know what is this me but her gaze on me, and the she is looking at me make me fell uncomfortable and suddenly I also bow down and then she left our class I pass a heavy sigh that god she is gone her aura is really something.

our lecture is finish. now we are in cafeteria and having our launche.

lisa: how can she become principal at small age lisa asked.

Jisoo: oo you are talking about jennie actually this school belong to her grandfather but now her grandfather is retired and her father has his own company so he is not able to handle the school that why his grandfather gave this school to jennie. Before tath she is our friend but when she become principal she is so busy and we met rarely so..

Ok now I get that how she become principal because she is to young na that why asking you lisa said

Ohoo no problem babe... Jisso said

Aa day went like this after school I go to my home and having my dinner and drift to sleep
______________time skip ______________

Next day In school

Lisa pov when I was in my class with my friend suddenly a student call me and say that principal is calling me at first I was shocked like why she is calling me then I go to her office I knock on the door but no response then I went incide

Incide  the office °_°

Mam I say that but no one response then a door open and I see jennie she is looking super hot.

O lisa you are here.jennie say..

How she know my name.lisa thought.

Yes mam .lisa said.

Jennie: so you are the new student.

Lisa: yes mam

Jennie : my security gaurd say that you come here to meet me.

Jennie stand up from her chair and come behide lisa chair lisa fell little scared from her action she got up from her chair.

Jennie : oo why are you stand sit sit

Lisa sit after that and jennie to back to her seat

Jennie: so tell me why are you come here that day

Lisa: a-actually my that say to meet you mam that's why.

Jennie: who is your dad

Lisa: my dad name is wisdom manobal

Jennie: oo you are daughter of manobal uncle

Lisa: mam do you know my dad

Jennie: yes he is my dad business partner and they both are good friend

Lisa: o-ok mam

Jennie: why are you calling me mam call me jennie when we are alone.

Lisa: no how can I call you by your name you are my pri-

Lisa word cut by jennie

Jennie:  no call me jennie just Jennie ok look first I am not that much old ok and. Second out parents are good friend we can become friend no what you say lisa
Jennie touch lisa hand while talking this

Lisa gulp hard and say yes to Jennie

Jennie: ok you can go now.

Lisa was about to go when jennie again call her.

Jennie: listen whenever I call you you have to come ok do you understand stand 

Lisa nodded. I want word lisa jennie say
O-ok ma- sorry jennie 

Jennie: good girl now go

Lisa fast went outside her office she don't know why jennie ordering her and talk to her like that she don't like her attitude...

Hey guyz plz vote for next chapte hope you like this chapter by 😍

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