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                               Lisa pov:)

I wakeup at 6 in the morning I feel someone eye on me when I move my eyes I saw Jennie beside me watching ne peacefully. Her eyes was filled with love. She come closer to me and kiss me on my cheeks. And say. Happy Birthday baby. I don't know what come to me I just kiss her.

She deepen the kiss we are exploring eachother mouth. These months I start to feel something about Jennie I don't know what is it but yaah when she around me I feel comfortable all though she sexually abusing me but now she change.

When I say I don't want it she stop she didn't force me to have sex with her. She take care of me. I want this Jennie I really like this side of her caring and loving.

When I was thinking all this Jennie hovers over me and start to kiss my neck. This feeling is new I didn't feel this feeling till now.

Her hands slid under my shirt she start to touch my boobs gently. It feel so good   a moan left my mouth. Jennie eyes were still on me. She undress me and start to feel my body with her soft hands.

She go down there she is touching my belly button with her toung she go down and she take off my pantie and now I am all naked under Jennie she sniff me down there.

Aah baby you smell so good I just want to eat you May I. For the first time she asked for my permission and that's why I didn't say no just nod. And she gave me her sweet smile.

Slightly her toung touch my folds. Ahhh Jennie. I said in moan. I don't this feel so good I want more. She part my pussy lips and touch my clit. With her thumb. My back arch and I pull my hips in air.

She start to eat me out. I gasp when she thrust her toung in and out. She is still touching my clit making circul.

O my god this ahh Jennie mmmmm. She start doing it fast I didn't complete my sentence because of pleasure because it's so high I can feel a knot in my stomach.

Come babe. When she say this I released my self on her toung with a loud moan. Ahhhh. I was breathing heavily. It's best orgasm of my life I love this Jennie come closer to my face and kiss me I can taste myself on her toung.

Something is poking my thighs when I see this it's Jennie she was hard as rock she watch me and she start to gotup from me when she about to go to washroom I grab her hand.

Jennie there is no need to go to washroom. You are my husband you have all rights to do that with me. I said to her while looking down.

No Lisa it's ok if you are not ready I can wait I don't want to hurt you I don't want to make you cry. When Jennie say those words my heart stop there is new feeling for Jennie. And I know what is it I start to love her I really love Jennie.

N-no I am ready and and I also want you. When I said this Jennie cupped my face and kiss me on cheeks. Really Lisa you want me. I just nod.

She again hover over me and look at me with love. Jennie remove her clothes and come to me she put her half wait on me. And now my pussy is aching like she want something.

When Jennie come to me naked I just can't take my eyes away she is that beautiful but why I feel all this. And had sex alot of time and I see Jennie naked also but now it's different feeling like I also want to touch her feel her.

Jennie start to kiss my neck and she rub her hardness on my core my whole body jolt with sudden pleasure. We start to kiss eachother. Jennie didn't brake our eye contact. When Jennie about to slide her length in me I feel nervous again what if its hurt like other days.

But Jennie come to me and say. It's ok I'll be gentle if you want me to stop anytime just tell me ok. I just nod while looking and her. And Jennie slowly slide herself in me and god this feel so good a wave of pleasure hit me.

At first Jennie is slow but later shs getting rough and I like it. I feel more pleasure in this. Ahh je-jennie. Slow I am gonna aah I am gonna come. When say that she put her thumb on my clit and press it hard. I saw starts. When I come it's so good and my orgasm didn't stop it's hit me again and again I was shivering with pleasure. And after sometime Jennie also released herself In me.

Rest for sometime I go and make breakfast for u ok. And we have to go to school also but it's ok we go late after all I am the principal. Jennie said this and got up from bed.

What I want to listen she didn't say that words it make me feel sad. I want her to say I love you. But no she didn't. I just lay on my bed. And sleep.

It's ok babe I will tell you today how much I love u I will confess my feelings towards you. Today I make your best day ever my love.

So yaah this is chapter 19 and please comment and vote and tell me what do you think  should happen next.

But I am giving you hint next chapter is story changer so stay. Ok and please comment and tell me do you like it or not your comment give me motivation to write.

Important thing. I want to ask you guyz something. I have another story in my mind do you want that story.  it's lesbian jenlisa story. Tell me in comments ok till then by by 🌈😘

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