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Lisa pov :-

I close the gate when rose go and come back in whole there is jennie sitting on couch. She is looking at me with smile.

She come to me and make me sit beside her I was just looking on my knee. She suddenly put me in her lab. And look at me. I was looking at her in confusion.

Baby I miss you so much. She said to me while put her head on my neck crook.

Lisa I want you now. Aahhh you making me hard baby now you have to take care of this. I was just looking at her tear gather in my eyes. What else I was expecting her to do. She is also like rose.

Baby dont cry why are you crying haan. She said while wiping my tear. She press me on her hardness. I can fell she is really hard. Her member is poking my sensitive part.

Jennie I am hungry. And I am think you are also hungry let me cook something. I said to her because I am tired because of rose and I dont want this sex thing now I am fedup.

Yes baby I am very hungry. But not for food I am hungry for you lisa let mr have. From last 24 hour's I didn't touch you baby. She said to me. While touching my body.

Lets try something new lisa. Ok lisa give me lap dance. She said me I was looking at her with wide eyes I listen about lap dance its not good thing.

What are you watching. Do what I said give me lap dance. She said to me in little mad tone. I was just sitting there. Doing nothing.

Then she place my legs on both side of her waist then she look into my eyes I dont know anything what she trying to do I just feel that something is poking my pussy.

She made me grind on her hardness. She is really hard I can feel that she start to do it faster she hold her hips in air and doing the same process again.

Je-jennie no please stop dont Aahhh please. It feel so good but I dont want to feel that with her she is monster I hate when my body react to her touch.

She is grinding on the right spot. I can feel something start to build in my stomach. Aahhh jennie jennie I am gonna cum please stop. She didn't stop she start to thrust. With clothes on.

Aah lets cum together baby. She said to me and I dont know what happend to me I cum immediately. She also cum. My body lose all energy. I lay my head on Jennie.

After sometime she pick me up in her shoulder and go upstairs. I think she would lay me on bed but she didn't. She directly take me to washroom. O my god I dont have energy to do that again please god.

She made me stand on floor and start to undress me I didn't do anything because dont have energy to do. She made me sit in bathtub and also start to undress herself. Then she also come in bathtub.

She made me sit oh her lap. Then suddenly she put her dick inside my pussy and now its paining like hell.

Je-jennie please take this out please I cant handel this more please jennie just one time please listen to me. I said to her while look into her eyes. And for my surprise she took that out. From me and start to wash me.

Now I am in my bed. Try to sleep but I can't rose words are disturb me how cam she do that I think she is my best friend. Jennie is better then her. But she is also my rapist they both are same.

When I was thinking this all I dont know when I felt asleep. My sleep broke with extreme pain in my pussy. I move my eyes and she jennie is fucking me.

Je-jennie what are you doing please its its hurt so bad. You say you dont do this today and. Ahhh ahh ahh ahhh stop.
I said to her while she keep thrusting in me.

Sorry baby but you body make it hard for me to control so. This is last words I hear before. I passout.

Now I open my eyes with the pain she gave me last night. She is really rough last night and it cause me soreness down there. I gotup from bed and go inside the bathroom while limping. And take bath. After that I go downstairs. Where I see jennie making dinner. She is in her dress. She saw and said.

Aww hi wifey how are you feeling now good. Come lets have breakfast together.
I go to her sit in chair. She come and sit next to me. I was eating silently. When she said. Babe I will come late today so you eat your dinner and dont wait for me.

She said while eating. Je-jennie please don't go today stay home. I said to her while looking at her. Now she is also looking at me with smirk. Why babe you want something naughty naughty today haan tell me dont be shy. She said while coming closer.

No-no I didn't mean that I just want you. I was saying but she cut me and said no baby its not possible today I have lot of work to do so. By and finish your food. And close the door from inside. She said while picking her coat from sofa. And then she leave.

I go and sit in sofa because I am to tired and scared what if rose come today what will happend please god please save. I can do whatever but please save me from these two. I can't do this anymore I am tired.

While I was thinking this door bell rang and go there and open the door and here is my nightmare rose she is standing with smile and bag in her hand.

Hi baby did you miss me. Ok ok dont waste time lets go to room ok. She said to me and come inside. Rose please think one more time please dont ruin my life rose please delet that video. I said to her while pleading.

Stop this bullshit and come upstairs or I will uplode this fuck video of yours. She said and go upstairs. I follow her and go upstairs.

She lock the door and come close to me.I take my step back. Dont fucking act lisa strip and lay on bed on your back. Now my eyes were teary. I do what she say. She touch my brest and start to press it hard. She start to suck on them. Ahh ro-rose slow please its hurt. Don't press it to hard rose please. But instead of doing it slow she press it to hard. Ahhhhhh fuck no. I screamed my lungs out. And then finally she left my breast.

Then she go down and put her finger in my pussy and start to thrust. Ahh rose stop stop its hurt I am sore already. No aahhhhh.I said to her while crying.

Ooo so your so called wife fuck you last night haan. Did you enjoy that. Then why the fuck you didn't enjoy that with me haan. She said and start to thrust fast I didn't say anything on that because she did not know the reality. I was just crying silently.

Then she come on top of me and put her pussy on mine and start to grin. She was moaning. Aah lisa you feel so good. Ahhh I am gonna cum. Ahhh. She said while grin fast.

Ahhhh fuck I am gonna cum stop rose stop stop. Ahhhhhh. With that we both come on same time then she come between and legs and put her clit on mine her clit is touching mine now.

And she start to grin again we both cum after some time and when I feel we finished. Rose you are done now please delete that video please. I said to her while half closed eyes but what she say next my eyes open as wide.

Who say I am done babe this is just begging of our sex there is lot waiting I am just giving you rest but think you dont need it. She said while smirk.

So yes this is chapter 17. And I know I am late actually some people are not voting thats why I update late if you guyz vote I will update regular. Or I will stop this story and now its up to you guys do want to read further or not ok and tell me how was it. Till then by by 🌈☺️🌈

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