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So hi guyz I know I know I am late I am sorry  And please guyz vote. Most of you don't vote I feel bad when you do this. Now let's begin the story enjoy.

Lisa pov

Now I am on my bed rose is beside me and I hate that fact. I hope she is done with me now because I can't do this anymore my vaginal area is swallow its hurt so bad she being lot of toys with her like vibrators and dildos. I am so tired. I am not able to move my finger. That much tired I am.

Ro-rose please now now delete that video please. I said with breking voice.

She face me and look into my eyes. Rose delete that videos please  I do everything you want now please delete that video. I said to her. She get up from bed and took her to me. And delete that video.

Look Lisa I delete that video like I promise. Now tell me what your opinion will you divorce Jennie and be my girlfriend. Rose said to me.

What the hell is she saying I can't do that. I can't divorce Jennie because she will hurt my family and she will torture me more if I say that and about be her girlfriend no I don't have any type of feeling for. I thought she was my friend but she is so bad she force me to do that things because I said no to her love. My thoughts cut by a voice.

Lisa tell me when do you divorce Jennie. Rose asked me again. No-no rose I can't divorce Jennie and I didn't say that I will be your girlfriend. I said while sob.

Ok so you don't want to divorce Jennie it's ok don't then but you have to have fuck with me every day. Is it ok with you mrs kim. Rose said the last past in
sarcastic tone.

My eyes wide after understanding what she say. I can't do this everyday no.

No no rose I will not give you myself again ever and if you try to I will tell everyone that you drug me and rape me. I said to her in anger. Listening to my word rose start to laugh.

I know I know bitch you will do this. It's ok. We will meet tomorrow oo yeh tomorrow is your birthday. Yah yah ok. After she say that she start to think something. Ok I am going now and make sure you come to school tomorrow I want to give you best gift. She said that and go to door and one last time she look at me and what froze me is that smirk on her lips and then she disappeared from room.

After that I don't know when I passout.

When I woke up its 6:00 in afternoon. I feel pain in my whole body but the most in my intimate part. When I try to getup from bed my a whimper left from my mouth because of sudden pain.

I go to washroom while limping. And wash myself because i don't want to feel her touch she disguste me.


While shower Lisa start to cry hard she rub her body so hard that her skin turn red after spending 1 hour in washroom she come out and laid in bed and and sleep again.

Jennie come home she find Lisa in home she was shouting her name. But didn't get any response. Then she come to her bedroom and there she is sleeping. Jennie sit beside her and kiss her forehead.

Aww my baby sleep already it's ok sleep. Jennie say that and give her another kiss on her forehead and go straight to washroom. After sometime she come out from washroom and lay beside Lisa. She was watching her silently.

Lisa I am so sorry what I did to you. Tomorrow I will let you know what I feel about you babe. Jennie look at clock and come close to Lisa ears. Happy Birthday Lisa.

So this chapter 18 please comment and tell me did you like this story and also tell me what will happen next and please guyz vote and comments you guyz didn't vote my story if you do this I will not update ever again so please vote.

And let me tell you next part will be interesting. Till then by by 🌈😘

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