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Lisa pov :

Now I am in school and now I have pain between my legs because of jennie. I feel so disgust. I am on my way to my class after marriage its my first day in school I hope its going well please god please keep jennie away from me god. I cant handle this anymore. Thats enough for today.

Suddenly my whole body got frozed when someone put a hand on my shoulder I thought it was jennie when I look back. I saw rose with her cute smile.

Hey lisa how are you. A relaxation explode in my body when I saw rose.

You sacred me rose. She laugh. Oo I am so sorry Lisa I dont want to scared you. She said to me.

Its ok. How are you rose. I ask her. I am fine you say. How was you. And how was jennie. When she mention her I was frozed a fake smile fell on my face.

Ya she is nice. I say with my fake smile. Oo thats good. Our conversation  interrupt when school bell ring we went to our class where we meet jisso and other they tease me alot about jennie and and weeding and other thing but they dont know the truth.

I was eating my lunch when someone come and say that jennie calling me. Tear start to build in my eyes. I dont want to go please god help me.

Jisso naeyoun and my other frnds smirking at me. Jennie cant spend a day without you. They say. I silently stand from my seat and go to jennie office.

I was standing infront of her she was watching me from head to toe with lust I know why she call me here but I dont want it now.

Come babe I am waiting look what you do I was just think about you from morning come here. Jennie say while tapping her lap. I was stranding there.

I say come here. I didn't listen she stand from her chair in anger and come behind me. She grab my hair and push my head on table my face was badly hurting but she didn't release me.

Why you disobey me every time haan why. Why you cant behave like normal wife. You fucking slut. I was going light on you and you being brat. You didn't want to be my wife haa. Ok now be my whore  you slut. Now I will show you who is jennie kim.

She say to me I was crying. Je-jennie look liste-    she slap me. Shut up you whore  now I will show you what I did with my whore.

She unbutton my skirt and make me naked she put hee three finger directly in my pussy I am not wet that's why its hurt a lot I screame my lungs out.

No no no jennie please I am not wet please jennie take this out take this out aahhhhhh. She replace her finger with her dick I cant hold back my tears I was crying mess and this time I didn't feel anything other than pain its extreme. 

She was thrusting inside me brutally after 20 mint she come on my Ass she made me wear my things and she comb my hair with my fingers. Look lisa what you made me do you make me angry and what happened with you its your mistake now go and attend your class go and you are smart enough that this is husband wife private thing so dont fucking tell anyone.

I run from there and go to washroom I wash myself and I sit on floor I was crying continually. I hate her I hate her again do this its hurt   mom mom please.

After sometime I am with my frnds they were talking but my mind was not there later bell rang and it's a symbol that our school is over I was on gate with my frnds when jennie come she meet jisso and others then she come to me and place kiss on my forehead.
Jennie was standing there when jisso say hey jennie you didn't give us special party. Why bro we are frnds I think you forgot after you become principal. Jisso say with sad face

No guys you getting me wrong I am still your nini I will give you special party. And invite our all frnds jisso ok I will send you location. And this party would be on sunday ok. She say with smile.
A smile kept on my all frnds face. Then she say goodbye to jisso and look at me.

Lets go honey. Jennie say to me.
She change her colour really fast she is devil she smile at me and I know what this mean so I say goodbye to my frnd and went to jennie car.

So this is chapter 13 please comment down what you like or not please tell me this give me idea and inspiration to work hard I will complete this story so dont worry ok so by by love you🌈🌈🌈❤️

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