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Lisa pov

I woke up when I listen someone is screaming.

You fucking bishes you didn't complete a simple work you fucking lazy Ass  I want everything complete till the day after tomorrow and if its not say by to this world do you under stand.

I dont know with whom and what is jennie talking. But she threaten someone   is she really that much cruel. Your life is  fucked  up lisa.

Jennie look at me and smile. She come toward me she have that sexy smirk on her face but for me it is warning. She sit next to me and start to crase  my cheeks.

My wifey wake up do you know how much I miss you when you are sleeping. 
Jennie say to lisa.

When she talk to me nicely I got chill to my spine seriously she is physco. God please save me from her

Babe lets get ready we have to go to school. My smile went wide after listen to her words but its disappear in second when she open her mouth for talk.

And listen baby dont you ever try to tell someone about us and flirt with someone ok wifey if I found that you do something wrong the consequences will be not good for you so behave good ok.

I nod but jennie grab my neck. I want fucking words bitch. y-yes I un-understand. Jennie kiss on my cheeks. Yes now thats my good wifey.

Now go and take shower or you want me
Jennie say with smirk. I went to washroom and do my business. When I saw myself in mirror. I got shock.

What is she a vampire seriously why whole body have hickey  its look like someone suck my blood. I cover my brusies with makeup but its little bit showing. Suddenly jennie shout.

Where the fuck are you I dont have whole day. Are you coming or you want me to come

I run toward door and stand infront of Jennie. Jennie come behind me and start to give me kisses on neck and whispered in my ear.

O babe you looking fucking hot I want to take you here against my car. Jennie bite  my neck and I fell sacred now I am still sore she take me more then 5 time. From tomorrow and now I dont to get fuck by her. She is fucking rough.

j-jennie we gonna late for school. I said to her.

O yes my baby we have to go. But its I will take you after school dont worry jennie said with smirk.

Her words make me scare to core seriously. She is devil how can I live with her. I have to do something I will tell my appa about it that she raped me everyday.

Jennie and I went in car. The whole car is silent until I fell jennie hand on my thighs she start to crase it. I try to jerk her hand from my thigh but she grib harder and its hurt.

I was more scared when I fell her hard going up to my core she rub her middle finger on my clit.

J-jennie what what are you doing. What I am doing nothing what happend babe Jennie say to me while concrete  on rode.

She slide her finger inside my panty and start to rup up and down to my core it feel disgust. But still I am not wet.

Ahhh jen jennie please look dont ahh ahhh no. She start to slide her finger in my vagina because its not wet its hurt and I am sore because of her.

She add another finger and start to fuck me with her finger. Oo babe so do you like it haa. Jennie say to me. She increase her finger pace and she curl her finger inside and it give me something which I dont want pleasure.

She is still doing it until my orgasm hit me I was on my high and I squirt on jennie fingers. My whole body shake with orgasm. I start to cry because its hurt and disgust me. I hate myself. Because my body like what is she doing now.

I love you lisa. This is last word I listen after that I pass out.

So this is chapter 12. I know I know I am so late but please understand me I am really busy in these day I swer I will complete this story ok.  And please comment down if you want to ask something or confuse I will reply ok
By by ☺️🌈🌈

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