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Rose pov :-

When lisa said those world a smile create on my face I am been waiting for this and now its happening without think twice I kiss lisa passionately she feel so so good.

One by one I remove her clothes we are in cubical and I close washroom door from inside so no one can disturb us. Now lisa is in her undergarments her eyes were close but she look so hot now I just want to take her.

I push her on the wall and kiss her neck she is moaning ans I smirk after listen to her moans. I go to her boobs and unclip her bra her bra fell down and I watch her mound perfect.

I squeeze them a soft wimper left from her mouth that turn me on without waiting more time I push her panty down and now I can see her small pink pussy.

I attach my mouth with her boobs and start to  suck on them I feel so good I start to rub my thumb on her clit she was moaning mess now.

Aah rose right there aah. I was doing what she say I fell on my knee and look at her pussy its so wet I attached my toung  with her pussy she moan so loud I was doing my work down there.

I put her one leg on pot seat and this give me more access of her pussy I was lapping her pussy with my toung. When I hear this aah aah aah rose I am gonna cum. I stop my work and stand up I kiss her when I feel she relaxed I put my two finer in her pussy.

Her pussy is so wet and hot. I thrust my finger fast in her she start to cry. Rose rose slow down please I didn't listen to her I kept going after sometime she cum on my fingers I lick that fingers and it taste so good. I want to taste that again when I was about to put my finger again in her.

She hold my hands when I look at her she was in tear I dont know what happend to her she just wear her clothes and she go out while crying and left me there and I was standing there dumb found.

Lisa pov:-

I come out from washroom I dont know what just happend I fuck my bestfriend and it disgust me. I set on side chair when I saw jennie dancing with her friends she look so happy.

I feel guilty because I let someone other touch me and I told rose to do that I dont know what come inside me that made me do this I hate myself now.

Now how can I face jennie and rose what rose think about me. I was crying mess I dont know when I pass out there.

When I open my eyes I was in my room. My head is paining like hell I vision is still blury I dont know why. But whole body is paining I think jennie took advantage of my unconscious. I stood from my bed and take shower. Now its 10 in morning and my school start at 8 mean I miss my school today.

I saw a food tray and a note with I garb that note that start to read.

Baby I am going to school I think you drink to much last night thats why I didn't wake you up and eat this food and just rest ok I will come early today ok
By darling love you so much

                                       Your Jennie

I read her letter how she change in second now she start to talk to me like nothing happend nor she rape me every night she is devil I hate her.

Its 1 pm now and  i was in living room watching my favourite kdrama  when the bell ring I go to open the door.
And when I open it I saw rose.

Rose what are you doing here. I asked her while shocked.

Lisa what type of friend  you are. You didn't ask me to come in and ask me what I am doing here. She said to me in frustration.

Oh my I am so sorry please come in. I let her come in she set on sofa and I bring her water she drink it.

Rose you didn't go to school today. I asked her.

No actually I went school but you didn't come that's why I am here to cheak on you are you ok. She asked me little worried.

Yes I am fine what gonna happend me I didn't come to school because I didn't wake early I drink to much last night thats why. I explain to her and she nod.

We chit chat like that when I feel rose come close to me she look at my eyes and she try to kiss me. I stood from sofa and push her.

What the fuck are you doing rose. I asked her angrily.

What the fuck  I am doing.  She said in sarcastic tone I didn't understand what she talking about.

You didn't remember last night lisa. She asked me I look at her with wide eyes.

I think that dose effect you badly that why didn't remember anything its ok I show you what happen last night. She took out her phone and show me.

My heart stop beating. Iike I got an heart attack my eyes wide in disbelief. There is a video of me and rose having s-sex. ...

So this is chapter 15. I hope you guys like it and tell me in comment what happens next and please vote. Till then by by 🌈☺️

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