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Hlo guys I am so sorry I know I update late but actually my collage start so I am not able to post every day but I will try to post 2 in episode in one week ok now let's began the story ☺️

lisa was crying mess in washroom when someone knock on the door, hlo lisa are you inside and it was rose'. Then lisa come out her eyes was red.li-lisa are you crying inside.  No no actually something fell in my eyes that's why. Ok ok now lets go we have to go home. Lisa didn't tell anybody about jennie because she is scared

After that lisa go to her house she went in and her father stop her. Listen lisa baby your marriage date was fix its a day after tomorrow you have to go tomorrow with jennie for your wedding dress so tomorrow take holiday from school. She just listen to her father and nod and go to her room she went to washroom.

Why god why you did this to me I didn't do anything wrong with anybody then why me, lisa take her all clothe off she went to washroom she rub her body and specially she that part where jennie touch she can still feel her finger inside her. Lisa start to cry again she think that if her mom is there she would tell her and ask for help. Why mom why you left me in this cruel world

Next day lisa get ready to go with that monster she feel uneasy today and also she got her periods today her back is paining like hell and her cramps she feel really low today after something jennie come to pickup lisa. Lisa went to her car and jennie drove away lisa didn't  utter a word because she don't want argue with her they reach their destination

They went in everyone bow. After that jennie come with dress and hand it to me, go try this and come fast I don't have whole day

After that lisa go to changing room she was undressing herself when she gasp.
Je-jennie what are you doing here get out from here I am changing, so what babe after marriage I will see all this jennie gase goes down to her chest lisa hide it with dress, look jennie wait outside I just come in 2 minut after saying jennie pin her on wall she was struggling jennie don't ahhhh  plz. Jennie start to kiss on her lips ummmp lea uummm. Leave me.  jennie didn't bother to listen her she was start to give her wet kisses lisa anger was on high. Because already she was on periods her mood swing and second she don't like jennie and her on her body when jennie was about to go down.

Jennie stop and put her one hand on her right cheek and yes lisa slap her. You fucking bitch I will kill you then jennie start to chock lisa.  Lisa didn't breath properly jennie lisa put her hand on jennie chest and with her all energy she push her jennie come in scene and go out from changing room lisa fell on floor and start cry.

Tomorrow is my wedding how can I live with this monster. I wish I would dead today plz god do something 🙏🏻

so this is chapter 8 and plz comment your thoughts I am very happy to read your comments by by 🌈

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