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Lisa pov:

Jennie was taking me in room please god stop her please jennie listen to me first don't do that please jennie.

Stop your mouth jennie don't make it hard for you

She push me on bed jennie that's not true please just one time listen to me.

But jennie didn't listen to me she come on top and handcuffed my both hands I was just praying to god to save me today.

Author pov :

Jennie was removing lisa clothes and her's  to she start to kiss lisa. Je.jen ummm. Jennie was biting lisa lips so aggressively and because of that blood come out from lisa lips.

Today I will tell u what fuck  means babe. When jennie was saying this she cupped lisa pussy so hard. Aahhhh jennie stop please its hurting I am still sore.

Aww my baby is sore because her girlfriend fuck her in school washroom so sad. Lisa eyes was wide open when she listen jennie saying this world.

Jennie we didn't do anything like that please trust me I am sore because of morning please jennie don't do that. Lisa said to her.

Jennie start to pinch lisa boobs  so hard. And lisa bite her lips to control her scream. Jennie its hurt pl. Please stop.

Jennie's one hand go down on lisa pussy. Lisa try to stop her hand but jennie didn't stop. She cupped her pussy and start to rup her clit

Aah aah jen. Umm please jennie aah   jennie slide her three finger in lisa vagina and start to thurst her finger without any mercy

Aah aah stop please lisa I am begging you aaa I cant anymore jennie aaahhh. Then without any warning jennie thurst  her hard sick inside lisa vagina.

Lisa scream her lungs out to stop jennie but she didn't stop after 15 minute lisa was drained. Lisa was about to chum but suddenly jennie stop and start to thurst slow.

When she feel lisa calm she start to thurst hard and this happens for almost 3 hour. Lisa pass out four time but jennie didn't stop whenever lisa open her eyes she found extreme pain in her body and jennie on top.

And after last round jennie and lisa both cum at same time and this orgasm was very very painful for lisa after that lisa eyes were closed jennie leave her on bed and go to washroom.

After some time when jennie come out from washroom her world turn upside down lisa was bleeding nonstop from her vagina. Jennie panicked and call doctor.

When doctor come she tell jennie to leave the room jennie didn't want to leave but doctor force her and at the end she leave the room after sometime doctor come with very sad look on her face.

Wh-what happened doctor. Jennie ask doctor. Jennie please stay strong I know this is hard for u but I have to tell u. Jennie lisa was raped badly and because of that

She lost her child...................

So guys this is chapter 22 I hope u like it guys tell me your views in comment and next update after 45 vote till then by by 🥰🥰🌈🌈

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⏰ Last updated: May 26 ⏰

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