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Jennie pov:

I was pasing by washroom when i hear kissing voice.

These kids what are they doing in school aash i have to scold them.

I open the washroom door and the view in front of me was heart breaking. Lisa was kissing rose.

What the fuck is happening here lisa i was more then furies. I go there and give a hard punch on rose face.

I grab lisa hand and left from.

Je-jennie please let me explain please. Lisa spoke while crying. You fucking shut up bitch i was giving you love respect money everything i have and in return you cheat on me.

I push her inside my car. And come to driving seat and start to drive.

Jennie listen to me once please. Lisa said.  Lisa shut up dont test my patient anymore.

On first meet what u say to me that u dont like girls and now u are fucking my bestfriend whenever i come close to u. You got scared or cry. And now you are happy in fucking rose. You say  that i rape u i abuse u. Trust me lisa that was nothing compare to what going to happend to u today.

Lisa was just crying on her fate she start to love jennie and she thought she will tell jennie about rose and start her new life with her but no her fate is very cruel to her.

In no time jennie and lisa reach home jennie come out and drag lisa in mansion. When lisa and jennie was in jennie tell her staff to go out of mansion. Lisa was scared she was trampling like a leaf.

Jennie please listen to me first please i beg u dont do something that u regret pl-   
Lisa word cut by jennie hard slap lisa look at jennie in disbelief.

Jennie grab a fistfull of her hair and drag lisa to their bedroom.

Jennie aah jennie leave me let go please noo lisa kept saying this but jennie act like she didn't listen anything. Jennie eyes were red as blood. Jennie close door behind her and push lisa on bed.

Today i will tell u what rape is...................

So yes guys this is chapter i know i know i am late but trust me i am really busy and i know this chapter is short i will try hard and i want your Opinion guys actually i am thinking about writing a new story dont worry i will complete this first. But tell ne do u want another dark story till then by by 🌈🌈☺️

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