CHAPTER 8: What his Heart Decides

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Mira started her day just like every day. She woke up as soon as the sun peeked out, alone in her and her husband's bed and got up to freshen up. She got dressed and headed to the town's market, not before checking up on her son who was dead asleep. She smiled at the thought of him while walking through the market.

After a while, she returned home to find her son munching on bread. She just shook her head and carried on as they always did. Prepared their meals together and did chores together. One change in their daily routine was her son leaving town in the morning and spending his whole day at the beach.

She snickered internally, remembering the time she came home to an empty house. She had panicked for hours, running around the whole city and asking if they'd seen where he'd gone.

Thankfully, someone saw him last at the beach. She sure did give him a lecture.

So, when the sun goes down, she expects her son to be home. Right now however, she didn't expect to hear what her son had just said.

"I have s-someone.. I like?"

That's-- surely surprising. Her son was quite timid and introverted so she just thought he spent hours at the beach to swim and explore.

Mira's eyes were wide as she covered her mouth with her hand.

She didn't really know how to react.

"Oh my!! Really? My baby boy is finally becoming a little man!" she exclaimed while squishing Jeongguk's face.

His face was red as he tried to push her away. Key word: tried. In the end, she just continued hugging him close, rubbing her face against the head of her son.

She squealed as she pulled away and asked "SO! Who is it? Do I know her? Do I know their parents? Is it--"

She was politely cut off by her son who smacked his tiny hands on his mother's mouth. "N-No!! You don't know him." he whispered as he grinned.

Mira snorted and was about to tease him but froze. She gathered her thoughts before asking slowly.

"H-Him? You mean.. not a girl but.. a boy?"

The little boy smiled and nodded. Jeongguk continued to smile at his mother, until he noticed that something was off. His smile dropped.


"..o-oh." she let out. Due to that response, Jeongguk's face was blank.

She licked her dry lips to calm herself down. She crouched down to her precious son's level and smiled.

"Oh my son, I'm not mad or disappointed. You're free to love whomever you want. Love has no rules. Your heart decides, and what it decides is all that really matters. Now tell me again, with confidence this time, what does your heart say?" she asked as she poked the little boy's chest above his heart.

Jeongguk glanced down where his heart lies, and raised it to meet his mother's eyes with love and admiration in his eyes.

Taking a deep breath, he whispered, "My heart...decides to like him.".

"What was that my boy? Say it again. I didn't quite hear you." she encouraged as she moved her right ear closer.

"My heart decides to likes him." he repeated louder.

"Jeongguk. Your voice is too low my dear, I can't hear you. Say it louder." she asked again. Jeongguk giggled as he hugged his amazing mother.

"My heart likes him, mum." he giggled into his mother's ear. Mira snorted and tickled him.

The house erupted with laughter after that moment. During their dinner, Jeongguk talked about Taehyung to his mother. Of course, leaving out that tiny detail that he has a tail. He told her how beautiful and adorable he was. He even gave a detailed explanation of how he looked.

Not gonna lie, Mira was curious and scared. It was rare to see someone with blonde and red hair. However, he has the same color as the ocean and sky. That's a bit worrying and fascinating at the same time.

(Many ancient civilizations had no word for blue. It was one of the last colors to be introduced into many ancient languages. It is certain that they could 'see' blue, but they were not able to separate it from other shades, such as green.)


That night, Mira processed everything while lying in bed. Though her thoughts were interrupted by a knock. She sat up.

"Come in." she permitted. Jeongguk opened the door, looking unsure. Mira smiled reassuringly.

"What is it my darling? Is something wrong?"

The little boy shook his head. He hesitated but opted for it. "Can I sleep with you tonight, mum?"

She smiled softly. "Of course you can."

So the little boy beamed and hopped over to the bed. Mira scooted a bit and cuddled her son.

After a few minutes of silence, the boy broke it.



"Do you think.."

"Do I think what?"

"Do you think.. father would approve?"

Mira opened her eyes in shock. She looked down at her son to see him doing the same. He had such sad eyes. She bit her lips and thought about what to say.

"He.." she started.

"..loves you." she finished. "He loves you, my darling." is all she said.

The little boy only let out a small smile before nuzzling into his mother's stomach.

Mira sighed internally and thought about her husband. If he knew, he could oppose it or support it. She hasn't really spent much time with him. She had no idea how he would react.

About homosexuality, it's complicated really.

Same-sex relationships among men and women were for pleasure and personal fulfillment. It was considered natural if both parties were of a certain age and consented to the relationship.

The Spartans didn't have any sort of objections to same-sex relationships. They did not have the same negative attitudes toward homosexuality that sadly some people in the modern world do.

Homosexuality was somewhat 'illegal' in Sparta, because Spartan citizens were duty bound to produce more young Spartans who would grow up to become warriors.

However, in Thebes on the other hand, it was actively encouraged, and even legally encouraged.

She couldn't really rush things and just decided to see what happens. No matter what or who may come their way, she will certainly protect her son and this mysterious little blue-headed boy when the time comes.


That's all I wrote for today!! 

Btw, have you all seen our maknae's new hit song; "Seven"?? It was so amazing, I felt the vibe and starting dancing. I can't even describe how I was so excited when watching the teasers. Now that it's out, I'm just so proud of this man. 💜💜💜

Not to mention, the song features the actor Han So-Hee and rapper Latto!

From the time I was halfway into the song, I could tell this was going to be a hit, a literal HIT! I mean, it's clearly trending all around. It's been less than 24 hours and there's 24M views already!!

This was just a success for sure, thank you to everyone who helped into making this masterpiece.💜💜

Let's continue supporting this little man and his hyungies 👐👐

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