CHAPTER 15: Excitement, Rolling and Punching

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Jeongguk led his crush all around the town. Looking around every now and then to see if anyone dared to come near hear them.

"Gukkie! Look at that! What is that?" 

His attention turned to Taehyung, who was staring at a stray cat. "That's a cat, Tae."

"A cat!" the older slid closer to the cat, who was just staring at him weirdly. 

"Careful Tae, they might scratch you."

"Ooh really?" Taehyung came closer and bringing his finger in front of the cat. The cat stared at the finger, before turning its head away and licking its paws. The action made the blue head pout and the raven shake his head and laugh wholeheartedly.

As he laughed, the younger heard approaching foot steps behind him. His laughter slowly dying, he tensed up. The person's shadow looming over his. He mustered up some courage and turned around with sharp eyes.

"What--" he jumped in surprise at the sight of his mum.

"..Ah.. mum."

"You're early, my dear. When I heard that you were here I didn't believe it. Is there something the matter?" 

"Ah no mum, I'm fine. Nothing's wrong." he assured.

Mira nodded after confirming. She then brought her attention to the other boy behind her son, who was cradling a bored cat. The woman's eyes widened and bent to whisper to her son.

"Is it him?!" she whispered excitedly. 

Earning a nod from her son, she quickly stood up straight and fixed her hair and dress. Jeongguk internally giggled seeing his mother acting like that. 

Mira nervously cleared her throat. The blue head didn't hear, continuing his staring contest with the cat is his arms. Mira blew out a huff before clearing her throat louder, startling both the cat and the blue head. 

Taehyung turned his head to the sound's source, his eyes widening at the sight of his little human's mother. He tensed up as the mother-son duo made their way to him. The cat in his arms just blinked, not being bothered by whatever's happening.

"Hi there." Mira started.


Mira was inwardly panicking and sobbing. 'Hi there?! Are you kidding me?! How dare you start with that?!' she mentally punched herself in the face.

"..H-Hello.." her self-punching was disrupted though, barely hearing the reply. She cried out in happiness from within.

"AHAHAHA! You must be Taehyung! It's a great pleasure to finally meet you, my name's Mira,  Gguk's mum." 

'Stupid stupid stupid! That came on way too strong!' she cried in her head.

"Yes.. it's uhm.. a pleasure to meet you too Ms. Mira!" he beamed.

'AGH! THAT SMILE!' Mira's inner self fainted, seeing the cute smile on the boy. She can't see his whole face as there's an annoying cloak, but she understands why. She bets if his smile is this cute, then it's a guarantee he himself is cute!

"Well, Taehyung. Can I call you Tae?" earning a nod from the blue-head. "Tae, I would love it if you could come over to ours and join us for dinner? I'll make lots of delicious foods."

Hesitant, Taehyung looked over to Jeongguk who just shrugged. To be honest, the raven wanted him over at his house. He'd like for the older to taste different foods, converse with his mom and especially just see him inside his house. His mom already knows about his appearance, they'll just have to be careful not to slip anything out.

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