CHAPTER 33: Was and Still Is

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Taehyung watched the sunset from Mira's roof, smiling when Min plopped down on his lap and began purring. The more often he came over, the more he learned how beautiful it was to watch the setting sun, while the sky around you transforms into a rainbow of colors with stars shining and the moon shimmering up on the roof.

As he rubbed the black feline's back, Taehyung heard rustling in the distance and realized it was the very person who's always on his mind—in more ways than one. The raven-head sat beside him.

No one spoke. There was only the distant rustling of the leaves, the whispering of the wind, Min's purring, and their drumming heartbeats. Together, they silently watched the world grow dark, their houses being lit up below as the moon rose gloriously.

Seeing the other's eyes reflect the tranquil night sky with stars in them was the first thing Jeongguk noticed as he turned his head. Just like old times, Jeongguk stared in awe and wonder.

Feeling his stare, Taehyung turned to him with a puzzled look. "What is it that you are staring at? Do I have something on my face?" He asked while patting his face with his hand.

Keeping a small smile, Jeongguk reached out and removed a leaf from the blue-head's hair. Showing it to him, the younger said, "You had a.. leaf in your hair." And fidgeted with the small leaf on his lap.

"Oh." replied Taehyung, his face straight but a slight flush of pink on his cheeks. He felt fluttering feelings that invaded his gut at the small contact. Confused, he caressed his tummy, thinking it was upset.



"When the war ends," he said, his eyes cloudy and his voice nervous. "I'll come straight to you." He said with such clarity and confidence that it almost made Taehyung believe him. Almost. "That is one promise I am able to keep, no matter what."

The word promise caused Taehyung to frown, but he didn't comment further, not wanting to start an argument. In spite of this, he was startled when a bunch of flowers appeared in his field of vision. 

Glimpsing confused at the bashful raven-head, "For.. me.?" He asked with a finger pointing to himself and Min raised his head to watch the two. Jeongguk only nodded, his hair covering his face.

After reluctantly picking up the flowers, Taehyung wondered if he had previously seen them. They look really familiar. He isn't really much of a big fan of flowers anymore. Not anymore.

"Dianthus caryophyllus.. otherwise known as carnations."


"Dianthus caryophyllus. The same ones.. you gave me years ago?"

"I was out and I found them." Jeongguk shrugged his shoulders, "Just reminded me of the time I'd given you flowers. Do you remember what they symbolized? They symbolize--"

Taehyung slightly smiled and replied. "Oh yes, love, devotion, fascination yata yata yata, I remember. You know, I found out not too long after you left, in your culture, they are given to the ill or to those who are dying."

"... It is what it is."

"What do you mean? Such beautiful flowers they are, yet they are used for such purposes. Back then, since you gave me carnations I had a premonition that I was gonna die soon!"

"I was six! I didn't know they were used for that. Mum told me it symbolized love, devotion and fascination, and I felt all of that with you back then! I didn't want you to die!"

"You felt, all of that, for me back then?"

"Back then and now! And for all of tomorrows..!" Jeongguk blurted out, his ears burning ablaze as he hid his face between his knees. Taehyung stared at him as he fiddled with his ears, thinking it was cute. Cute? Cute. Cuuuutee. I, a thirty-year old mer thinks that this-- huge and beefy, human man-- is cute??????

Thinking it was enough teasing seeing as it brought even more weird thoughts to his head, Taehyung spoke again after a few moments. ".. I also remember you bringing different flowers every day for months just so I could learn about them."

Jeongguk shook his head. "No, I didn't bring those heaps of flowers just so you could learn about it. I brought them so I could see that face you made." he muttered under his breathe.

"What face?" Taehyung managed to hear it and questioningly narrowed his eyes. What kind of face did he make that the younger would devote himself to being a flower hunter for several months?

"Not telling." The raven-head stated, a grin plastered on his face as he teasingly shook his head.

With a twitch in the eye, Taehyung faced the other way, not noticing his bottom lip beginning to jot out in a petty pout. "Be that way. I didn't like those flowers anyway." As if he wanted to snitch, Min meowed in protest, his head shaking.

Panicked, he threw the cheeky cat off the roof, the cat screeching in shock. He won't let Jeongguk find out that he's kept all the flowers that were given to him. And he won't let Min be the one to let him find out.

"Did you just throw him off the roof?!" was the obvious question in pure confusion, as Jeongguk was about to jump off the roof to check on him.

Holding Jeongguk back from jumping, Taehyung hurriedly said, "Oh he'll survive! He's jumped down from this height before, he even fell when he rolled in his sleep, despite him always sleeping, he is quite agile."

Jeongguk sat down slowly and exhaled deeply, his hand on his chest as he sat back down after a few moments. "Scared you with that one, didn't I?" Taehyung said, using his mouth to try and muffle his giggles.

A snort of laughter escaped Jeongguk's lips when he saw Taehyung who was smiling from ear to ear. Now he seems so beautiful. He has got to admit it. Jeongguk was and still is head over heels for the mer.

When their laughter had died down, their eyes met, and they maintained eye contact. Just as before, their eyes radiated as they gazed deeper into each other, drawing them further and further into their gazes.

"..Am I interrupting something?"

Taehyung sat so straight he felt his bones pop. Jeongguk internally groaning and face palming at the sudden intrusion. Mira had also climbed up without neither of them noticing. "Nothing..! Nothing mum, so wipe that grin off your face." A pointed look from Taehyung showed he was grumpy, but his warm cheeks betrayed him.

Infatuated even more with the blue-head when he called her 'mum', Jeongguk continued to smile. He isn't good at flirting and his attempt to try was immediately shut down, but it doesn't matter, his mother saved him from embarrassment by giving him a memory that he will cherish.


Just a short chapter since school started TT

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