CHAPTER 18: Till We Meet Again, My Merboy

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Jeongguk's POV

It's today. The day I go to the Agoge.

I hugged my knees as I went through my memories of the past year. In the forest, on the beach, when I lost mum's chicken, when I accidentally let it go, leading me to meet him. The nights when me and mum talked for hours about him and with him. Regardless of what happens or how long passes, I will never let go of these memories.

Suddenly, I heard my mother's hoarse voice knocking on my door.

"Love, it's time. The soldiers are here."

I swallowed the lump in my throat. It's really happening.

Sniffling and rubbing my eyes to hide the incoming tears, I grabbed a small bag and stood from my bed.

I opened my door to see mum's tearful face, breaking my heart. The sight of it overwhelms me to the point of tears.

She stammered out "C-Come on, let's not--" she took a sharp inhale before continuing "Let's not keep them waiting hm?" she said with a smile.

I could only nod. I'm so sorry mum.

Stepping down the stairs never seemed so terrifying. Is this really it?

"Dear" my mum called out. My eyes followed my mom as she went into another room. Wincing after hearing some metals cranking.

Shortly after, mum went approached me holding a shield. "Here. You know what this is and what it means right?" She asked softly, handing me the shield.

I tumbled a bit at its weight but handled it well.

"Yes mum. I'll return with it."

(Each warrior was expected to protect their shield with their life. The shield was more than just another piece of military equipment, it was a deeply symbolic part of a Spartan solider's identity. Spartan women are said to have sent their sons off to war with a stern reminder: "COME BACK WITH YOUR SHIELD OR ON IT"

The importance placed on the shield was not primarily connected to a soldier's personal well-being, but to the greater good of the entire fighting force.)

Mum hummed placing a peck on my hair. "My little man, go show them what you're made of."

Mum opened the door to show two soldiers waiting. They were tall and buff, but they were clearly exhausted. They didn't seem to care about it though as they kept standing straight and rigid. Just like the first and last time I saw my father.

I walked over to them as they stared. They gave a nod to my mother, who was weeping silently before looking down to me.

"Let's go. We are to arrive before the sun sets and it's a long journey. We won't wait for you to keep up. There are other kids we have to pick up as well." the taller man with dark, curly locks and dragon shaped eyes said with a gruff voice. I turned my head at my mum, and in response she gave a flying kiss which I caught and placed into my heart. I smiled.

The two men started walking, standing tall and without hesitation. The only way I could keep up with them was to speed walk. As we made our way through the city, I kept my head down. I avoided making contact with anyone as I walked faster to keep up.

As I trailed behind them, I spotted him. He was wearing my cloak, the features that so prominently emphasized him was hidden. As I walked, he walked in the same direction.

My eyes were glued to his as he wearily checked around him, and finally lifted the hood up a bit for me to see his face.

My eyes were filled with tears again. The inner corners of his eyebrows were raised, and his eyelids were open as he cracked a smile shakily. In an effort to calm down my overwhelming emotions, I whimpered quietly.

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