CHAPTER 17: The Awaited and Dreaded Day

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Today's the day. In the past, he had wanted this day to arrive so quickly, but now it has come much sooner than he had expected. It would never have occurred to him that he would hate this day. His seventh birthday. The day that marks his birth, but also the day that marks his last day with his mum and merboy.

The thought makes him tear up, so he rubs his eyes to hide them away. He inhales a deep breathe before walking down the stairs, forcing a smile upon his lips.

He turns to find the sight he's grown accustomed to.

His mom by the fire, cooking something while letting out loud laughs, enough to wake the whole village. While at the table, was the boy who made his very self shake. He was sitting at the table, wiping the plates and utensils with a cloth. He too was laughing. To what, exactly? He doesn't know.

He went over to Taehyung, quickly glancing at his mum before fixing the bandages on the older's legs. Everyday he's gone here alone since he learned to turn. Dressed in the clothes and sandals he'd bought for him. Though his skill with the bandage was sloppy, he was improving.

Swiftly working on the bandages, he stood up with a satisfied look. He then looked up and gave a nod to the older, walking over to hug his mum.

"Good morning Ggu!! It's a bit surprising to see you wake up by yourself though." Taehyung beamed at him with that blinding smile he loved.

Snorting at the comment, Mira turned her back to the fire and aggressively hugged her son. Chuckling when she felt him wiggle to resist. "True, true. The sun must of rose in the west today." squishing her cheeks against her son's hair.


"The west? That's not it?" the blue head asked tilting his head. He turned to a window, looking at the sky for a second before turning his head and saying "It didn't rise in the west though, Mira. I was walking by the beach, watching the sun rise from the west. You must of been mistaken." he shook his head with a knotted brows.

"HAHAAAHAHAAHA" she started laughing again, doubling over and clutching her stomach. She stood up exhausted, wiping her tears.

Jeongguk just smiled amused at the situation, already used to the blue head's questions and facts. He went back to the latter and assisted in setting the table.

Breakfast was wonderful. What with the addition of the blue head.

Cleaning up is now taking place, and their cheerful, boisterous mood has shifted to a more calm state. The raven glanced at his mum and crush's backs as they cleaned the utensils while he cleaned up the table.

He can tell.

He can tell that they're trying.

Trying to make this day as happy and celebratory as possible.

His throat tightened painfully as he swallowed. He quietly sighed as he pulled his eyes away from the pair down to his hands, fiddling with one of the spoons.

He felt a presence behind him before the said presence jumped at him. Shocked out of his mind, he didn't need to know who it was when he heard his giggles. While carefully putting the utensils down, Taehyung walked in front of him.

Taheyung plopped his elbows on the table, his hands carrying his face. He smiled widely "So what do you do on your birthdays? Celebrate it over a huge feast?"

Jeongguk answered "Was breakfast not enough for you? I'm starting to think you're only coming here for the food." he said chuckling.

"Hey!! I can't help it when it's delicious!" the blue head huffed and crossed his arms "And no! I don't come here for food, I come here for you. And for Mira, for the kitty, the fire, the--" he counted his fingers as he listed more.

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