CHAPTER 26: A Ridiculous Victory

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Jeongguk hummed as he walked through the dark. As odd as it may be, he instinctively knew his way around, even if the tall forest had changed. It was a beautiful night in the forest, illuminated by the moonlight as the buzzing of the cicadas enhanced the landscape.

He smiled as he continued walking, taking in the sights. When he noticed a very much familiar path, he contemplated whether he should go further. He knows where this leads.

Should I even?

The man nibbled on his lips, staring at the path. After what felt like hours, he inhaled and exhaled deeply. A determined look on his face, which really scared some of the animals that were around.

While marching forward, he tripped over a few twigs here and there, but that's what happens when you only have one eye open.

However, when he heard the waves of the ocean, he became apprehensive, and his confidence waned. As he dragged his feet forward towards the calm waves crashing on the shore, he blanked out.

GAH! Why am I here? How did I get here? I clearly said just for a walk but I'm a few ways away from town?! Mum is so gonna slaughter me, but I didn't mean to go out of town, much less be here!! WAIT! What am I to do if I meet him?! Who? HIM!! Aish this--

He couldn't even comprehend the thoughts flitting through his head, which honestly gave him a migraine. A yelp of pain escaped his lips when he accidentally pressed on his left eye while rubbing his templates.

I suppose that's not healed yet then.

Obviously. He rolled his eyes at his obvious deduction. Upon coming to be, his eyes expanded as if they would pop out of his sockets, for he was standing on the golden sand of the line between the sea and land, the beach.

You kèpfos amathés! He savagely reprimanded himself in his thoughts. How did I get here?! (kèpfos - stupid, amathés - fool)

The twenty-seven year old panicked internally, while his body froze as if a statue. Jeongguk made a magnificent statue, as a seagull had settled on the man's head, unaware of the inner catastrophe that was occurring.

The seagull chirped, snapping Jeongguk back to his body, swatting his shoulder before the bird flew away. The man swiped his shoulder, cleansing whatever the bird carried. Before he could react, however, he was being assaulted by a beak! From the same seagull he swatted it seems.

Curses filled his lips as he escaped his lips while trying to swat the pest, a method that proved ineffective as the bird dodged his attacks.

Finally, he landed a good swat as the bird flew back a few ways. A triumphant grin spread across Jeongguk's face as he stood confidently and triumphantly facing the seagull. The seagull chirped, as if challenging him. Getting himself ready in a fighting stance, the man raised his brow cockily, as if to saying; Come at me, you little aphòdeuma. Literally. (aphòdeuma - sh!t)

Grumpily, the seagull surrendered and flew away. Laughing, Jeongguk threw his head back and roared with laughter at how he had come out as the victor.

However, his laughter ceased when he saw a black cat in the distance. He squinted his right eye and walked closer. A closer look revealed the cat had an unmistakable sense of boredom with a hint of irritation. How bold. He thought while staring down at the black cat.

After a few minutes of just staring without blinking, Jeongguk rubbed his wet eyes and let out a groan, I lost. After swaying his tail for a moment, the black cat walked away.

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