Hazy Head

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TW: not really self harm because it's unintentional but it kinda ehhhhh... you'll see what I mean

"Oh, Joel's here." In hindsight, that didn't worry Grian enough. He had thought that he had a bit more time before Joel would be close enough to do any damage. Big mistake. What Mumbo had neglected to tell him was that Joel was here. 

     A million things happened in just a few seconds. More than just Grian making a bit more progress on the platform. Something pierced Grian's chest. Mumbo called his name as Grian slipped and Joel retreated down the ladder. Only then did Grian feel the pain. 

     Yellow eyes tearing up, his mind flooded with memories as he went hurdling to the ground. He spread his wings instinctually, but without the primaries they didn't do much. Never had he expected his yellow life to end with an arrow and a fall. He squeezed his eyes shut. 

     Grian hit the ground too hard whilst trying to escape Smallishbeans.

     Grian opened his eyes with a gasp. An ache resided in his chest where he had been shot by Joel. The smooth ground on his still bare feet was oddly calming. Despite that, Grian panicked. He only had a minute or so before his mind would slip into the red mentality Joel had gone through. He also had vague memories of someone very similar to Scar slipping into it too, but he wasn't sure how. Maybe it was Scar. He didn't have any memories from before this game, how should he know? But this can't have happened before... right?

     Maybe he could kill Scar a few times and see. Maybe he'd act similarly and it would unlock some memories. Grian giggled at the thought. He liked that idea. 

     After moving his arm back down to his side, he cut himself on something. His sword was tied to his hip. He really needed to get a sheath for that thing. Something Grian had noticed was that it didn't really hurt. Maybe it was the perks of being red, maybe it was just because he only recently respawned. 

     Despite the wound only stinging a bit, Grian had to bandage it. But... what if he didn't? After all, the blood was very pretty. A bit fascinating. Grian wanted to see more. Chuckling, he knew one thing in that moment; it wasn't going to be his.

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