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No because the finale got me crying twice (I am crying rn so please ignore any spelling errors)

Grumbot, take me to season 10.

Grian put down the pen and looked at the note for a moment. Grabbing the note, he bent down and put it in the slot for Grumbot to take the message. He hit the button for the final time. He watched as Grumbot slowly took the note, his hand itching to take the note away and crumple it up, to stay in season nine. But the server would be shut down soon, if he stayed, he would die. Forever. 

A part of him thought that maybe it was worth it. But he knew that it wasn't. He needed to move on. Grumbot beeped and Grian opened up the container where Grumbot's response would come out. He sat there for a moment until the response appeared. 


"I will, Grumbot. I will," Grian clutched the paper in his hand, maybe a bit too tight, as he turned around and wiped a tear from his face. 

He took a deep breath and took a step. And then another. And he kept walking, however slowly, towards the recently opened portal. He hesitated at the portal, dipping his fingers into the swirling abyss of purple. How he hated purple. 

Tightening his grip on the piece of paper, he took a step through the portal.

Grian Centric Oneshots - HermitcraftWhere stories live. Discover now