In which I project so fucking much (but in a good? Way)

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so yeah basically a fic in which Grian rides a horse because I'm a dumabss fanboy of both Grian and horses. (And this is totally not made to flex my horsemanship knowledge no no no,, ( I just need somebody to rant to about horse things 😭))

Grian sighed and stretched his wings as he grabbed the halter from the hook. He swung the halter over his shoulder and walked inside the stall, where Sadira dutifully stood. He had brought her in from the pasture last night, as it was supposed to thunderstorm through the night. 

(A/N: R.I.P Real Sadira)

Sadira bent her head low to allow Grian to put the halter on her. You never knew with Sadira. Sometimes, she would magically transform into a giraffe and put her head as high as possible just to avoid the halter, other times she invited it. He fastened the halter on her tied the lead rope to the stall bars.

Leaving the stall, he grabbed a stiff brush to brush her off and a hoof pick. She had just been groomed yesterday and he hadn't planned on using a saddle, so he was mostly brushing her just so his legs didn't end up covered with her hair, though he knew they would anyway.

After picking her hooves and brushing her off, he reached for her bridle and put it on her. He wiped his hands on his pants after putting the bit in her mouth, it was always his least favorite part. He grabbed the reins in his hand and began leading her outside.

Once he got outside, he dragged the mounting block over and mounted her in one swift movement. He stretched his wings and made sure his helmet was fastened well. He gave her a quick squeeze and she began walking.

Grian took her down the trail in front of his rocks, and took her around Scarland to say hi to Scar. It took a minute to find him, but sure enough, the man was walking around his theme park, as he tended to do. 

"Well hello there, Grian! And Sadira, of course," Scar greeted, patting Sadira's neck a few times, "Taking a tour through the server?"

"Just felt like going for a ride," Grian chuckled as he began moving again.

"Bye Scar!"

"Bye bye Grian!" Scar yelled after him.

After leaving Scarland, Grian squeezed Sadira a bit again and clicked his tongue a few times to get her trotting. Trotting was by far his favorite gait. Walking was much too slow, and frankly cantering wasn't as calming as trotting. 

He could feel the cool breeze on his face as Sadira trotted around. Yep, this was definitely his favorite thing to do. 

Grian Centric Oneshots - HermitcraftWhere stories live. Discover now