Pretty Boy

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Guys listen I'm not off hiatus I've just had this idea relentlessly torturing me for a while. For the past few days all I've been thinking about is making Grian pretty as hell

Grian turned around, looking at himself in the mirror. He evaluated his outfit, which consisted of a short, hot pink skirt which clung nicely to his hips, a cute, white crop top with a boob window (he stole the idea from Scar), and a light pink sweater that was literally just sleeves and a hood. So, maybe a bit of an odd assortment, but damn it if he didn't look so fucking pretty! It was missing something though... he needed lipstick! And maybe earrings? Gem might have some.

He slipped on a pair of black heels and left his base, however difficult it may have been to actually get down the uneven stone stairs. He really needed his wings to hurry up. See, he started every season with little baby wings that slowly grew until they were large enough to fly with. They were sure taking their sweet ass time this season. He momentarily debated getting on his horse, Sadira, who stood dutifully near his fishing hut. He decided against it, considering he was wearing heels. He didn't feel like getting her tacked up anyway. (He didn't miss the chance to pet her quite a bit, though).

He did use the horse tunnel though, walking through it to get to Gem's base. He admired his handiwork, running his fingers along the smooth glass. Looking around, colorful fish swam all around him. He really did love the tunnel. Shielding his eyes firm the sun with his hand, he exited the tunnel and began calling for Gem.

"Gem? Gem are you home?" Gem popped her head out from around the corner.

"Oh hi, Grian! You look very pretty. What can I do for you?" Grian glowed at the compliment. 

"You wouldn't happen to have some lipstick I could use, would you? And uh— some earrings as well, if you have any?" Gem touched her finger to her chin, thinking for a moment.

"I think I should, yeah. Follow me!" And off they went.

Grian Centric Oneshots - HermitcraftWhere stories live. Discover now