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HEYYY BITCHESSS! Soooo Ik it's been a bit but I'm back Ik you missed me I'm great how could you not (/s) I don't even have an excuse this time lmao I'm just lazy and depressed 👍

Soo like i am NOT projecting in this one so nobody even suggest that I am (/s) (we don't talk abt the fact I'm 5'3 and 85 pounds (~ 38.6 kg) and still insecure)

TW: uhm well he's insecure about his weight

44 kilos = approx. 97 pounds

Grian shifted the fishing pole in his hands, kicking his legs slowly in the water. He'd been doing this for far too long, he really should have gotten a mending book by now. Why did the sea need to play these cruel tricks on him? Oh well, it gave him a lot of time to think. About future builds, past builds, his friends...

He picked another fish out of the barrel next to him, bringing it to his mouth. After taking one bite, he stopped. He'd eaten quite a few fish already, hadn't he? He noted the pile of fishbones next to him, putting his probably millionth fish down. He still felt a bit hungry, but it's not like he would die from it. At least, not yet. Even if he did, he could just respawn. 

He didn't need another fish, he'd gained a bit of weight recently and that was probably why. It wasn't much, only a few pounds, but he still doubted himself. After all, 44 kilos is quite a bit. Everybody always said he was so light, he needed to eat more, so thin. They all said 44 kilos wasn't enough. They didn't get it, 44 kilos was too much,  that's so much extra fat on his body. He didn't need that much. 

Maybe he should just stop eating. Maybe, eventually, he would be a good weight. He'd stop eating so much, stop gaining weight. Then people would like him better, maybe. 

And yet, despite his best efforts, he picked the fish back up. He took another bite, despite how disgusting it made him feel. If maybe he had more willpower, people would like him. He would be better. But he didn't, he was weak. He didn't even have the discipline to stop eating even for a day. Pathetic, really.

!DISCLAIMER! PLEASE please please please don't think of yourself this way, it's so hard. I've been dealing with this nearly on the dot (just different 85 lbs instead of 97) for months and it's just. Ruining me. 44 KG IS NOT TOO MUCH. IT IS SEVERELY UNDERWEIGHT and is no healthier than being severely overweight. I'm trying to be a healthy weight again, and if you're dealing with something like this, I BEG you, please try with me. If you are underweight, eat a huge variety of foods in moderation, maybe a little bit more than you would, but DO NOT OVEREAT. It won't help anything. If you are overweight, eat a huge variety of foods in moderation, and I mean a variety, don't only eat "healthy" foods, if you only eat those, that will only cause more problems. Treat yourself sometimes. Whatever you do, DO NOT UNDEREAT. Not eating will cause a variety of problems, and you won't feel any better about yourself. I promise you, I am trying. Please, promise me you'll try too? (Remember that there are many different body types, some are naturally thinner, some are naturally thicker. Don't ever try for a body type that isn't yours, just try to stay happy and healthy)

Grian Centric Oneshots - HermitcraftWhere stories live. Discover now