Incorrect Quotes

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I'm still like halfway on break but am trying to start writing again and I thought HEY WHAT A BETTER WAY TO DO THAT THAN INCORRECT QUOTES

anyway here we are

Joel: Oh blummin hell

Grian: Watch your fucking language this is a goddamn PG server


Scar: Am I in trouble?

Grian: Take a guess.

Scar: No?

Grian: Guess again


Timmy: Grian! GRIAN!! I stole a slice of Joel's cake, how long do I have to live?

Grian: ten

Timmy: Ten what?

Grian: I don't know Tim, why don't you find out. Oh, by the way, nine


Grian: I saw a book called "How to solve half your problems" so I bought two books

Mumbo: Grian thats...

Scar: An AMAZING idea! I should borrow them from you sometime!

Mumbo: 75%...

Grian: Did you say something Mumbo?


Scar: Does take out mean food, a date, or murder?

Mumbo: Food!

Pearl: Murder.

Scar: I think it means a date

Grian, half asleep, slumped over the back of scars shoulder because they couldn't find his base: 'Can mean all three if ya ain't a coward...


Scar: I have a problem

Mumbo: Oh?

Grian, walking in the room: Hi, I'm Grian, and I'm scars problem


Grian: Scar, it's supposed to be a secret Santa

Scar: Oh, I thought the sign said sercte Santa



Grian: Scar... that's... not a real word

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