Zombies & Towers

132 2 0

Note: I think the dogs were Tango's but I could be wrong, if I'm wrong I'd appreciate it if someone corrects me

"So, what now?" Grian could hear Joel ask. 

"Now, we wait. I mean, they already got Etho, what else can we really do?" Grian bent down slightly to pet one of Tango's dogs who was sniffing his pants. 

"What if we kill Etho? Stop the spread?

"Don't work like that Skizz, they're zombies now. They're uncontrollable. Only one that's stayed sane is Cleo," Tango said, shifting his hold on a puppy that had began licking his face, "No, Betty, that's my face."

Grian sighed as he sat on the cold stone of the top of the tower, continuing to pet whatever dog was sniffing him. How Tango kept track of them was beyond him. 

What were they going to do?

No, really, what were they going to do?  At least half of the server were zombies, they were severely outnumbered

— Teeny Timeskip (aka half the session) —

Well now he was really outnumbered. Him, Cleo, and Scott were no match for everybody on the server. He looked over the edge of his little stone tower and he shivered at the sight of at least eight people looking for him.

He knew what he had to do. He just didn't know if he could do it. He checked the hearts on his forearm and sighed at the two rows he saw. 

He reached into his bag and threw the bottle at the floor, watching as he turned invisible. He took off his armor and began to climb down the ladder as quick as he could. He needed to get to his base and back in three minutes. He could do this. He started running towards his base, he needed to get there before—

"I see you, Grian!" Somebody screamed. Grian looked at his fingers to see that they were still invisible, he hadn't spent all of his three minutes going down the ladder. Grian didn't say a word and started running faster, hoping they were bluffing.

To his relief, when he looked behind him, he saw nobody there. Good, nobody followed him. He ran through the door of the castle before he heard someone call his name. He panicked for a second before realizing it was just Cleo.


"Yeah, what are you doing here?" 

"Just checking on the dishwasher."

"Good luck," Cleo said, ending the conversation. Grian peered inside, and Etho's Dishwasher was still safe and sound, bouncing happily about his enclosure.

Grian ran back to the secret keeper uneventfully, smashing his hand down on the button and watching as the hearts on his wrist went all the way up to thirty. Well, another secret fulfilled.

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