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*slams fist on table* HEADCANONS

  - Great so we all know that the soulmates in Double Life feel eachothers pain but what if, on rare occasions, they could hear a few words of eachothers thoughts. 

        - Great so we've established that but what if Scar is just hella confused because most of Grians thoughts are either Japanese or galactic

  -watchers bleed purple

        - Grian, being a watcher technically but also like left them bleeds red but it has a somewhat noticeable purple hue to it

        -he told them it's because he's an avian and nobody there knew shit about birds so they just believed that parrot hybrids bleed purpley

        -Mumbo, after stealing Grians soul, now also bleeds kinda purpley 

  - Grian is like 5'3 lmao short ass (I'm totally not 5'2 or anything)


        - also he CAN resist it, but it's really hard for him to not do a little dance when a jukebox plays nearby

        - in case you can't tell by me saying it yet he's a parrot hybrid

        -  bird man has feathers around his ears, his back, his wings (duh), and a few baby ones around his ankles

  - He has to trim his nails often because his body tries to make them SHARP like talons but he's like nuh-uh fuck off with that

  -Elytra are like mechanical wings, they are shaped kinda like insect wings and function similarly

        - You can customize them toooo so you can make em pretty

        - Grian, Pearl, and BDubs are the only ones who don't need them

                - BDubs doesn't have wings he can just fly by a little thing called magic

        - Grian and Pearl can't put elytra on

  - Grian, Pearl, Timmy (Jimmy), and Lizzie are siblings

  - Grians memory kinda sucks he's bad at remembering

  - He also has the attention span of a toddler

  - And has ✨ sensory issues ✨ (not me projecting or anything)

  - His wingspan is like 12ft (nobody's measured his wings nobody really knows)

        - The reason his wings are so teensy tiny is because he has hollow bones so he weighs like nothing so he doesn't need huge ass wings

  - Pearl isn't necessarily a watcher but isn't necessarily NOT a watcher either (yeah idk either)

  - Grian likes to munch on flowers

        - and seeds too

        - unrelated but one time I ate a flower and it tasted like blueberries

  - Evo is like an old legend, nobody really knows who was on the server other than the people who were on it

  - During the life games, the contestants with wings had their wings clipped so they couldn't fly 

        - bye bye primary feathers

  - Also in the life games, your lives / time shows on your wrist in whatever color you're on

        - When the boogeyman is chosen, the non-boogeys get a little green sparkle on their ankle. The boogeys get a little cut somewhere on their lower legs. Neither of these are visible to the other people.

        - The reaosn Grian never gets boogeyman is because the games were made specifically to torment him by the watchers. His friends being added in was just a little added bonus.

- Grian is the local horse girl 🥰😍🥰😍 (no this isn't because I'm a horse boy) 

        - It totally is because im a horse boy


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